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Pojo's Magic The Gathering Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com
Blood Moon
The Dark
Reviewed November 17, 2005
Constructed: 3.18
Casual: 2.25
Limited: 1.1
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

* Game Store Owner |
Blood Moon
I'm giving this one a high rating. Simply take
the time to look at how many multi lands are
being played in Legacy and Standard decks.
That's should be all you need for justification.
Constructed: 3.5
Casual: 2
Limited: 1
Paul Hagan |
Blood Moon
This is my new Favorite Sideboard Card That Not
Enough People Are Playing. With all of the
non-basic lands roaming about Standard and
Extended right now, Blood Moon is a perfect fit
to reek havoc upon the field by making others'
mana useless. The price is right for the
ability, and since few people have figured out
that *enchantment removal* is necessary in
today's metagame, Blood Moon really should be in
all red mages' sideboards. Yes, that's right,
red mages.
Obviously, in limited, this card is a complete
pile and shouldn't be played. There are not
nearly enough non-basics even in a set to make
Blood Moon worthy.
Constructed Rating: 3.0
Casual Rating: 2.5
Limited Rating: 1.5

Gerhardt |
Blood Moon
Obviously not for every main deck. You really
need to bring in Blood Moon from a sideboard
position, as only decks that play heavy
non-basics will be affected. Maybe it could see
more play now that the new dual lands are here,
as that could really hurt a multi color deck.
Not really for casual play, unless you know your
friends play a lot of non-basics, and you want
to screw them over. NOT for limited play.
Constructed - 3
Casual - 2.5
Limited - 1.5
Kronick |
Blood Moon -
Back when The Dark came out, Blood Moon was one
of my favorite cards from the set. Not because I
liked hosing nonbasic land - in fact, I love
nonbasic lands - but because I absolutely loved
the art. When I heard they were going to revise
the art for this card in 8th edition, I was
Vohwinkel nailed it, though. And the foil is
even better looking. Anyway, enough about the
art. Blood Moon has come in and out of favor in
tournament play for years. For a long time
before cards like Back to Basics and Price of
Progress were printed, it was the best way to
deal with non-basic lands.
then, it has shown up only from time to time.
But whenever Urza's lands or other such nasties
start to get out of hand, people start throwing
Blood Moon in the sideboard. It doesn't have
much potential at all in limited, and playing it
in casual just seems like a waste - but it's
been a tournament staple for a decade.
Constructed Rating - 3.25
Casual Rating - 2.0
Limited Rating - 0.5