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Pojo's Magic The Gathering Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com
Urborg Elf
Reviewed November 23, 2005
Constructed: 2.3
Casual: 2.95
Limited: 3.15
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

* Game Store Owner |
Urborg Elf
I wouldn't be too surprised to see an elf
similar to this one printed sometime soon. It's
pretty useful all around. It's size doesn't make
it desirable in constructed for two mana.
However, in other formats, it's actual ability
is very convenient.
Constructed: 2
Casual: 2.5
Limited: 3

Gerhardt |
Urborg Elves
Cost an extra mana over Llanowars and Fyndhorns,
but in GBU decks, a very solid add. Obviously
meant to aid opposing color decks in the
Invasion block, but with Rav back, it wouldn't
be a horrible consideration in a lot of Rav
builds if they had brought it back. Alas, they
did not. But still worth considering if you are
in all three colors in a format that would allow
you to play Urborg Elf.
Constructed - 3
Casual - 3.5
Limited - 3.5
Urborg Elf - I
have to admit to not being a huge fan of Urborg
There's two
reasons for this. Firstly, it showed up in the
same block as Quirion Elves, which were often
more effective for thier ability to produce red
or white mana if you needed it. Secondly, I felt
that green/blue/black was a pretty ineffective
color combination in Invasion block limited. The
combination left you with minimal picks during
Planeshift, while everyone else was getting
their Terminates. Still, this is a mana elf that
can produce 3 different colors. So it is still
head and shoulders above a lot of other cards.
And as for style, this card does have that. I
mean, it's an elf that lives in the swamp! How
cool is that?
Constructed Rating - 2.0
Casual Rating - 2.8
Limited Rating - 3.0