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Pojo's Magic The Gathering Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com
Reviewed November 30, 2005
Constructed: 3.06
Casual: 2.74
Limited: 3.48
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

Jeff Zandi
Time Pro Tour
When you want to rule the skies over Ravnica,
there's no better, quicker way to do it than
Moroii. In a set without that many evasive
creatures (particularly with a toughness greater
than 2), Moroii's enormous 4/4 body is
spectacular in a deck that plans on demolishing
the opponent with flying beats. On the other
hand, if you are drafting blue/black in Ravnica,
there's a pretty good chance you are trying to
mill your opponent out of the game, in that
case, make sure you don't take this more
aggressive card over a "weaker" card that helps
your mill strategy. It might seem hard to leave
a 4/4 flyer behind to add another 1/4 or even a
1/2 mill creature to your deck, but in the long
run, you will be glad you did.

* Game Store Owner |
I know a lot of people may be down on this card,
but I really like it. It's rare to get a cost
efficient flier. It's even more rare in blue
really. Losing one life a turn is a relevant
downside, but it's definitely worth it. People
still play Juzam Djinn and he's one more power
and toughness and he doesn't even fly. Why
wouldn't those same people want to play Moroii?
Constructed: 3.5
Casual: 2
Limited: 4
Paul Hagan |
I love this card. It hits play for dirt cheap,
its big, it flies, and its drawback is a single
life each turn. If you are playing an even
remotely aggressive blue-black deck, Moroii
should get at least some consideration. I'm not
really sure that I can expand on that much more
-- the only other thing I can think to say is
"cost effective".
Constructed Rating: 3.5
Casual Rating: 3.5
Limited Rating: 4.0
Phoenix Tamer |
In no way would i really need this card. The
effect is kinda risky even though it is a 4/4
flyer for 4 mana, the effect could lead to your
ultimate demise. Maybe i would draft it, but
there is no need for it in constructed, and
definatly not casual play.
Kronick |
for "vampire", Ravnican for "huge beats". Moroii
is such a tight package that it's hard to find
the flaw. The casting cost is extremely
aggressive, matching one of the great beaters of
the past few years, Ravenous Baloth. 4/4s for 4
are always welcome. It has flying, which is
sometimes very useful and sometimes not. These
days it's very useful. The lifeloss is a minimal
cost. It certainly didn't stop Moroii's
antecedant, Juzam Djinn, from wrecking people.
In limited, there are few stronger creatures
outside of rares. In constructed, Moroii is
untested, but seems strong. A very good card, no
matter how you slice it.
Constructed Rating - 3.8
Casual Rating - 3.7
Limited Rating - 4.2

Gerhardt |
Vampires have always been popular creature
types, probably because they appeal to
non-players as a collectible item. Taking Moroii
by itself, it's a 4/4 flyer for 4 mana, and it's
drawback is very small comparatively. The idea
is that you should be able to kill your opponent
by playing Moroii early before the 1 damage to
you is ever something to consider.
In limited, the thing I love to do to an
opponent's Moroii is put a Faith's Fetters on
it. Now it is useless to my opponent, and he
still gets pinged for 1 each turn unless he can
waste his own removal on it. Nice.
Constructed - 2.5
Casual - 3
Limited - 4