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Pojo's Magic The Gathering Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com
Blazing Archon
Reviewed October 11, 2005
Constructed: 3
Casual: 3.5
Limited: 3.5
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

Jeff Zandi
Time Pro Tour
Blazing Archon
This creature is HOT. Well, it CAN be... Well,
the artwork is really nice...
Okay, Blazing Archon is a mixed bag. In
constructed, he is strictly a future target for
reanimator decks. Once this big guy is in play,
things are good... "creatures can't attack you"
more or less says it all. Getting this awesome
5/6 flyer in play is the problem. Nine is much
too high a casting cost for booster draft and
probably too high for Ravnica sealed deck as
well. However, since there are lots of ways to
put cards in your graveyard (whether you want
them there or not) there is hope for Blazing
Archon in limited. Once again, you have to think
reanimator. In Ravnica, that means Vigor Mortis,
a sorcery costing 2BB. In limited, this card is
so powerful (once it's in play) that you have
will spend some time and energy trying to think
of ways to get it into play.

* Game Store Owner
Blazing Archon
Creatures can't attack you. That's a pretty
powerful sentence. And even better is that fact
that it's not on a small creature. And it also
flies. So you will likely still be able to
attack with it and not fear it dying to said
creatures that you are preventing from attacking
you. However, it is VERY expensive to cast. I
could see one of these showing up in a couple of
decks, but not likely more than one.
Constructed: 2
Casual: 3.5
Limited: 2.5

Gerhardt |
A great ability, but NOT something to hard
cast. You'll definitely want to
Vigor Motis or somehow
Reanimate it out. The new Dredge
mechanic gives you one means to get it into
your graveyard to make that happen.
If you are able to get it into play and your
opponent's deck is a slower creature based
deck, it's decent. Of course, in a reanimate
type deck, you'll play multiple types of
creatures for different occasions, choosing
the one that suits the situation.
In limited, this guy is house if you can get
him out. You'll obviously need to go heavy
white, and you'll have to build around him a
bit, choosing defensive cards and/or
accelleration to give you a chance to cast
this guy.
In casual, a pretty fun card to frustrate
your friends with.
Paul Hagan |
Blazing Archon
Bleh. I tried looking for the part where this
card said "Convoke", but it just isn't there.
I'm hardly impressed by any creature that costs
nine mana, much less those that don't win the
game for you in a quick, decisive manner. This
card doesn't do so; therefore, I am not
impressed. Constructed, casual, or limited, just
pass on this card.
Constructed Rating: 1.5
Casual Rating: 1.5
Limited Rating: 1.5