This card isn't very impressive. It cost six
mana. It's only a 4/4. It lets you search up
another auroch cards, which is nice, but it's
not very impressive. Overall, I'd avoic using
this card except for uses in theme decks. In
limited play, it is always nice to search out
another fatty.
This is probably the lynch pin of any Aurochs
deck, allowing you to chain Aurochs and get them
out faster. At least it would be if it didn't
cost six mana. Nobody wants to pay 5G for a 4/4,
just to search for another 5G 4/4 for the next
three turns. And the attacking bonus on this guy
is barely worth the hassle. If you're going to
play Aurochs, play Rimehorn Aurochs, or maybe
Bull Aurochs. Unless it's Limited, where card
advantage is hard to come by.
As I write this I've just finished beating
someone over the head with a pair of Aurochs
Herds in Coldsnap sealed deck. 4/4 tramplers are
nothing new for green. This one costs one more
than the standard Fangren Hunter, but you get
something very special. A chain of Aurochs is
expensive and slow, but eventually it becomes
nigh-unstoppable in limited. And green card that
is both a huge fat creature and can possibly
generate some card advantage is worth another
look. I wouldn't expect to see Aurochs in
competitive play any time soon, but they'll be a
force to reckon with for the length of CCC