This card amuses me. WotC keeps putting the
Giant Growth effect on various cards and then
adding whatever the set mechanic is to the card.
In the end, none of them get much play. Resize
may change that, because it's easily reusable.
The biggest problem though, is that an
aggressive deck won't want to leave the mana
open for it in many cases. In limited though,
I'd love to have a couple of these in my deck.
Just about the only solid combat trick in
Coldsnap, this is Limited gold simply because it
plays like a removal spell for Green. Recover is
a passable ability, but you don't even need it
to make this card good. Goodness knows it helps
Giant Growth variants have ranged from very good
(Sudden Strength) to very bad (Monstrous
Growth). This one is one of the very good ones.
Maybe the best in some ways. Recover is an
incredibly abusive mechanic that can allow you
to reuse your spells many times over the course
of the game. Oftentimes the only limiting factor
is how much mana you have available. The cheap
cost and recover of Resize makes it particularly
strong. I've had games where I've won out of
nowhere by Resizing an evasion creature multiple
times in one attack and going in for a big kill.
Resize is definitely worth a first pick in a lot
of situations.