A weird card to say the least. It's definitely a
cobo piece, as on its own it's a bit useless and
too symmetrical. In Constructed it's turning
lifegain into lockdown, but it does little else.
Constructed- 3.5
Casual- 3.5
Limited- 2
KC MetroGnome
Zur's Weirding
I swear that this card has spent more time going
back and forth between the crap rare bin and the
top decklists of each format than any other card
I can think of. In every format it begins by
being poo-pooed by the elite, until someone
finds a way to abuse it. And it's a very
abusable card, by the way. It just needs to have
the right team to play on. Currently, in
something like Firemane Control, it fits the
bill perfectly. A little narrow to be earning a
high rating, but good nonetheless. The politics
this elicits in a group are worth the fact that
you're probably going to get beat down by all
your friends. Because, to beat you down, your
friends first have to convince all your other
friends that they should let you have that great
topdeck they've got coming.
Constructed - 3
Casual - 4
Limited - 1
Zur's Weirding
A card that has seen lots of casual play, and
recently has gotten some attention in the
Firemane Control decks. With a couple of
Firemane Angels in your graveyard, this card
becomes a soft lock on your opponent's draw
phase, which can easily seal up the game.
Outside of that deck, though, this hasn't seen
high-level play, and it isn't even played much
in that deck these days.
In casual, pair it with some good lifegain and
lock your opponent out of their deck. This can
be easily abused here.
In limited, it's not worth it, as it's
Constructed - 3.5 (in the Firemane deck)
Casual - 4
Limited - 1
Gackley Ferguson
So today we
have Zur's Weirdling, I like this card because
if you see something scary coming up, you can
put it in the graveyard, however your opponent
do the same to you, so it's a double edged
sword...if you play this just make sure you have
something to combo it with.
Constructed: 3/5 If you can combo it, go for it
Casual: 3.3/5 Johhy's of the world unite!
Limited: 4/5 combo to your hearts content.