I hate leaving you with a sour note on Fridays,
but this time there really isn't much to say.
This guy cost a lot. He doesn't have any evasion
abilities. His ability isn't even guaranteed to
kill anything. In limited, this guy is worth
playing, but I'm not sure he flies in any other
Constructed: 1.5
Casual: 1.5
Limited: 3
Sorry but really cruddy. You have to have
creatures yourself that match the converted mana
cost of what you want to destroy. Just really
not practical. and it costs way too much at 8
mana. By that time, if need to use him that bad,
it's probably too late anyhow.
You could try it in casual in some kind of funky
recursion deck, but I think it will be too
cumbersome to ever work well. Not for limited