You can pretty much sum up this card, and it's
crazy history, in one word, COMBO. If you were
going to associate it with a tournament and a
place, that would have to be Pro Tour Paris,
1997. If you want to associate this card with
one player, it would have to be Mike Long. Long
piloted the Cadaverous Bloom combo deck straight
to the top of Pro Tour Paris, until one of these
cards was found in an unusual and fatal
location. in Michael Long's seat. Be that as it
may, there has been no more amazing combo deck
in the history of Magic than the Pros-Bloom deck
of Pro Tour Paris. This amazing combo deck was
built in a block constructed format including
only two sets, Mirage and Visions. This deck's
bit was to sacrifice lands to Squandered
Resources, refilling your side of the board with
land using Natural Balance, then drawing a lot
of cards with Prosperity and sacrificing a most
of those cards to Cadaverous Bloom in order to
pile up enough mana to fire off a fatal Drain
Life. Some versions of this deck, including Mike
Long's, contained only a single Drain Life. (I
guess Mike was a lucky guy to always draw the
Drain.) An amazing deck. I once lent the whole
deck to a friend who never returned it. If
you're in the know, you're giving me an
understanding nod.this deck featured 16 or 20
rares in it. Oh, well, EVERYONE has lost a
valuable deck at one time or other! Other than
in this one very special combo deck, there
really isn't anything special to say about
Cadaverous Bloom. This card was NOT good in
limited, either.
Unfortunately, there's not a lot to say here,
because this is a card that pretty much does
nothing by itself. You need to have some type of
mana dump to make use of this card. OR if
nothing else, you need a way to take advantage
of it on repeated turns. Obviously, there are a
couple of decks through the years that really
enjoyed this card, but it's not strong enough in
the environment today for people to take note of
Bloom - Everyone's got their tall tales about
Magic. And some of them are true. Mine is that I
was the first person I knew to make a ProsBloom
(that's Prosperity and Cadaverous Bloom for the
uninitiated) deck. In my own little corner of
the world, I invented the deck. Of course, I
didn't make it popular and I didn't take it to
the pro tour or the World Championships. But I
was happy to see that happen. At least it gave
me the sense that maybe I had a little intuition
for these sort of things. Cadaverous Bloom
looked like junk when it was released. It took a
while for people to recognize the ridiculous
tricks you could do with it. What if every card
in your deck was a Dark Ritual? What would you
I’ll abstain from the Mike Long jokes. This card
was the cornerstone of a combo deck around
Mirage Block time that could generate near
infinite card and mana advantage on one turn and
kill you with a rather large Drain Life. In
general, I would say the card is not very good.
It has no place to go other than a Cad Bloom
deck, where it is obviously required. My rating
will obviously not reflect this deck.
In limited, it’s too slow to have any real
impact – can’t see it ever making the cut.
Constructed: 2
Limited: 1.5
You can see the huge potential for abuse here.
Often used in many evil old school ways: (See
Abeyance, Prosperity & Drain Life).
In limited, it could be a source of
accelleration, except that it plays awfully late
at 5 mana. At that point, do you really need to
Constructed - 4.5
Casual - 5
Limited - 2.5
Essentially, it's free mana. Well, it's not
really free, but you can use it to make the
finishing play, so it may as well be. And it's
Green and Black. Green likes lots of mana for
huge beatsticks and Black likes lots of mana for
Consume Spirit and Demons and such. Luckily it's
not in a color that excels at card drawing,
though Green and Black are getting better at
card drawing.