This card was one of the very important parts of
the Pros-Bloom deck, perhaps the best and most
famous combo deck in Magic history. Unlike
Cadaverous Bloom, however, Prosperity had a
broad number of uses. In limited
Prosperity was considered valuable, even though
it allowed your opponent to draw cards as well
as you. In constructed, Prosperity was often
used in combo decks OTHER than the Pros-Bloom
deck to just plain deck your opponent.
Very specialized, to be sure, but not the
one-trick pony that Cadaverous Bloom was.
This is interesting. If your couple this card
with yesterday's card, you have the beginnings
of a pretty powerful deck. General prosperity
won't get played, because you usually want to
draw your opponent out of cards. This means that
you don't want to draw extra cards yourself.
This card has very limited uses. However, it can
produce a lot of friends for you in a group
Yesterday we showed you Cadaverous Bloom. Well
here's the other half of the combo. For those
who don't want to figure it out yourself, the
combo works by drawing lots of cards and turning
them into mana. Then you draw more cards and
make more mana. What you do with a big pile of
mana is up to you - usually a Drain Life.
Prosperity was a huge part of that deck, but it
never really found another home. The thing which
excites me most about it other than the combo is
that it fills a much-needed spot in blue.
Massive card draw for cheap - with a drawback.
It's one of those cards that you can be happy
exists, and once in a while you might actually
need it.
Speaking of the Cad Bloom deck, this was the
cheap draw mechanism used to gain the hand
advantage. While not technically hand advantage,
it didn’t so much matter when a City of Solitude
was on the board and you were going to “go off”
that turn. In truth, the mutual draw has made
this card rather bad. Only combo decks have been
fortunate to find a good use. It’s a bit more
versatile that other combo-related cards have
been in the past with it’s ability to work in
other side decks, but still not that great.
In limited I could see it making the cut, but
your pool had better either be REALLY good, or
REALLY bad. Either you want to draw goods, or,
it’s just taking up the “23rd slot”.
Constructed: 2.5
Limited: 2
As part of some combos, Prosperity can be damn
good. On it's own, though...meh. Unfortunately,
Prosperity was way before my time, so I really
don't know how well it played otherwise.
Constructed - 4
Casual - 4
Limited - 2
This was the win condition in a deck I once
played against, a Megrim deck with no discard
spells. He stockpiled mana and megrims, kept me
at bay for a while, and then Prosperitied for
about fifteen. I drew fifteen cards with about 5
already in hand, played as many as I could, and
lost on my end phase when I had to discard down
to seven. Wacky combos aside, this is a quirky
card. You do get to play what you draw first,
not counting instants, but the more mana you
dropinto the Prosperity, the less mana you have
to play what you drew. Sort of like Train of
Thought, but symmetrical and less mana-to-card