The lord for the Merfolk, and a classic and
iconic card. There's not a lot to say about him
except that he works quite well in aggressive
Merfolk decks. Oh wait...aggressive Merfolk?
Never mind. This guy is pretty much restricted
to casual play only, where he can be quite
handy. However, don't bother in tournament play.
In limited, he's really hard to get, and there's
not enough Merfolk in Time Spiral block to make
him worthwhile. He'd be great to have in Lorwyn
block, but unfortunately he wasn't reprinted in
Constructed - 2
Casual - 4
Limited - 2
Magic Noob in Canada since 2002
Lord of
This card makes Merfolk viable. Most Merfolks
are rather weak and need some pumping up. This
card gives pumping up and evasion all packed
into a 2 mana 2/2. That is extremely efficient.
It's not even Legendary which allows for
multiple copies to be played for more pumping.
Merfolk isn't going to win any constructed
tournaments by tapping tricks, so it's up to
efficient beaters like this to bring home the
gold. If you play Merfolks, you should play
this. Unless of course you're playing limited
and it's impossible to play one.
Constructed: 3.5/5
Casual: 3.5/5
Limited: 1/5
Lord of
Generations have proved the power of Lord of
Atlantis. You get a couple small blue guys
out, and then this comes down. Merfolk are
also fairly adept at turning people's lands
into islands, so this is sort of like a
mini-Overrun on a 2/2 for 2 in an aggressive
Merfolk deck. And blue rarely gets 2/2's on
turn two, so this is powerful even if you
don't have that many Merfolk. Its only
downside is that it's UU, so you may have
trouble with it if you're not monoblue.
Since new Merfolk are blue and white, this
creates a bit of conflict in deck choices.
But that's alright.
Constructed- 3.5
Wednesday -
Lord of Atlantis
The lord for the Merfolk, and a classic and
iconic card. There's not a lot to say about him
except that he works quite well in aggressive
Merfolk decks. Oh wait...aggressive Merfolk?
Never mind. This guy is pretty much restricted
to casual play only, where he can be quite
handy. However, don't bother in tournament play.
In limited, he's really hard to get, and there's
not enough Merfolk in Time Spiral block to make
him worthwhile. He'd be great to have in Lorwyn
block, but unfortunately he wasn't reprinted in