* Game Store Owner |
Charge - Friday
I love this card and feel that it's a bit
overrated. Funny thing is though, it's costs the
perfect amount to activate from the graveyard.
Any less and it borders on too good. Anymore and
it becomes practically unplayable. I don't think
an aggro deck needs a lot of these, but just a
couple should do nicely. I like the fact that
you can have one creature do a number on the
opponent if it gets through by itself. You can
put more pressure on the opponent while putting
fewer creatures at risk.
Constructed: 3
Casual: 4
Limited: 3.5 |
BMoor |
It costs R more than Volcanic Hammer for the
same effect. The bonus is that you can play it
again for 2RRR. I'm assuming it stays in the
graveyard so you can keep doing it. Five mana is
more than most aggro decks want to pay for this,
but then they do tend to play their hand out by
turn five, so this could give them some
late-game card advantage or speed up things
against a control player. In Limited, games do
run a bit longer, so you just might have 2RRR on
your hands. And in Casual, you usually can force
at least one guy through, so it works there too
I guess.
Constructed- 2.7
Casual- 3.5
Limited- 4 |

David N |
Friday -
Thunderblade Charge
3 for 3 damage at sorcery speed. At this it is
subpar at best. However it has a modified
version of flashback for 5. With the
pseudoflashback its still not worth making the
cut. Stick to rift bolt if you want direct
Limited - 1
Casual - 1
Constucted - 1 |

David Fanany
Player since
1995 |
Thunderblade Charge is reminiscent of Hammer of
Bogardan, though it can only be returned
conditionally. Fortunately, it only costs five
mana to recur (as compared to eight with the
Hammer) and is very synergistic with your
creatures attacking. It's also strong against
counters. Overall, I rate the Charge to be
playable, though a deck may have to be designed
specifically to abuse it. Recurring
damage/removal is also strong in limited; I'd
recommend picking Thunderblade Charge high if
you have a significant red commitment.
Constructed: 3/5
Casual: 4/5
Limited: 3/5 |

Arcane |
Constructed: Hammer of Bogardan was great so
this must be too right? I want to say yes but
I’m not seeing the potential just yet. Red
doesn’t really have the evasive creatures that
would be needed to make the most of this spell.
I’d recommend shadow creatures like Looter
il-Kor or Trespasser il-Vec (both pretty good
ways of getting the Charge into the bin) but the
heavy red commitment for the charge is going to
stretch the mana base and make it harder than
you’d think to be able to cast this over and
over again. If you want re-useable burn you’re
almost better of going with Arc Blade than this.
Casual/Multi: There are a few more evasive
creatures in red that might make playing this a
bit easier in a mono red build, with creatures
like Blood Knight, Skirk Shaman and Firefright
Mage. And the ability to hit one player with the
creature then play the charge and target a
different one seems like a good idea. Also note
that it will trigger multiple times if you have
creatures that can deal damage in both the first
strike phase and the normal damage. The card is
a mana vacuum but it can do devastating things.
Limited: The card comes with built in card
advantage just for the simple ability to be cast
again and again and again from the graveyard.
This is going to make any attack coming from you
hard for your opponent because if he lets
anything through can mean he loses a good
creature or takes more damage to the head which
might put him in a position of making back
blocks just to keep that card in the graveyard
and off the stack. Not a splashing card, you
really have to be committed to red already to
get the use out of it, and you need to have
creatures dealing damage to the opponent (making
it a bit of a win more card) but if you’re there
then you will notice the card can win games.
Constructed: 3
Casual: 3.5
Limited: 3.5 |
The Missing
for just over 5 years
-Playing MTG for just over 10 |
Well, I went out and bought 4 of these straight
off and have not had the chance to play with
these yet. However, in a sligh deck or red deck
wins, then I think this will be a must. You may
only put a couple in but that is really all that
is needed. When I first looked, I did not notice
the triple red in the repeat cost. That is hefty
and thus makes this card likely only to in the
monored deck. However, its cost ratio's are
better than it's cousin the hammer as long as
you can keep the creature beat comin.
Constructed: 3.5
Casual: 4
Limited: 4 |
MTG Rules Advisor |
Definitely pick this in limited. Removal is
removal, and recurring removal is even better.
Constructed, however, is a different story:
stick to char or incinerate (once Xth hits).
Constructed: 2/5
Casual: 3/5
Limited: 4/5 |
Magic Noob in Canada since 2002 |
I'm a Yugioh player in addition to a Magic player
so I value advantage
rather highly. 3 mana for 3 damage at sorcery
speed is bad, but not
totally unacceptable but the fact that this does
3 damage for 5 mana
in your graveyard repeatedly is pretty good. It
turns even a Nether
Traitor into a field obliterating machine or a
really fast clock.
Constructed: 3.5/5
Casual: 4/5, some guy is going to use this in a
weird way
Limited: 4/5, repeated removal! |