It looks like a powerful card. However, when
would you play it? Merfolk aggro doesn't want to
game to last long enough for players to make
good use out of six-drops, and if the game has
stalled that long, then you can't connect with
the Prophets. Merfolk control, on the other
hand, might want more turns to take advantage of
more untap steps, but needs a critical mass of
Merfolk out and doesn't want a six-drop that
doesn't even equate to one more Merfolk on the
table. As cool as it is, promising as many extra
turns as you have expendable Merfolk, the
reality is that you don't have expendable
Constructed- 2.5
Casual- 3.5
Limited- 2.5
David Fanany
Player since
Going by the ability itself and no context, my
reaction to this card would be something along
the lines of "Wow!" Unfortunately, it's rarely
so simple, as the Prophets have no innate
evasive abilities. They'd be pretty outrageous
with a Loxodon Warhammer and a ready supply of
cheap Merfolk (Summon the School, perhaps), but
I think they'll make the most impact in limited.
They're particularly devastating in concert with
Streambed Aquitects.