This is obviously a control card all the way.
Cards like this always seem strong, but don't
get a lot of play time in the long run. Things
could change though, as there are currently a
lot of control heavy cards in the Standard
format. If nothing else, this card could be
responsible for creature heavy decks packing a
significant amount of enchantment/artifact hate.
That could play a significant role on other
cards/decks that get played in the format. So,
in some ways, this card is more about how it
affects the format, more than what it does for
Porphyry Nodes
Same as Monday's card, a green card turned
white. Green liked this ability because green
has almost no ways of killing creatures, and it
has a lot of big creatures that this thing will
never get to destroy. White specializes in a lot
of smaller creatures, especially low-power,
high-toughness creatures, so this might be more
problematic for white. But then, white is often
a player in control decks that use a small
number of big, powerful win conditions like
Serra Angel, so it's not unreasonable that a
White/X control deck wouldn't like this to hold
off the aggro player or at least slow him/her
down. And of course, it is repeatable creature
kill, so it's bound to find a deck list
Constructed- 3
Casual- 4.5
Limited- 4
KC MetroGnome
KC MetroGnome
2/21 - Porphyry Nodes
They came so close to the "Drop of Honey"
anagram (I can get Drop Honey with an extra "RY"
out of it). You've got to give them credit for
that. I was never a huge fan of Drop of Honey,
and I don't really know why that would change
now. At least DoH was in 1) The color of fatties
(probably not hitting your creatures first) and
2) the color of no creature removal. White
weenie obviously can't use this. And, while
white-based control could use it, why wouldn't
you run Wrath of God? Porphyry Nodes is just too
slow, in my opinion.
Constructed - 2
Casual - 4 (more people at the table means more
uses, and more diplomacy)
Limited - 3
Jon "RaNd0m"
Porphyry Nodes
This is a very intriguing rare out of Planar
Chaos. For only W, you get an enchantment that
kills the weakest creature every turn. If you're
not playing any weak creatures, this is like a
constant creature-kill spell that won't go away.
This could definitely find some use in
Wrath/Damn decks with Calciderm, since a 5/5
isn't likely to get destroyed for awhile. This
card probably has the potential to be
game-breaking if somebody decides to break it.
In limited, if you use it in the correct
situation this can be very valuable removal.
Constructed - 3.5
Casual - 4.5
Limited - 3
Wednesday -
Porphyry Nodes
A white version of Drop of Honey, and a personal
favorite from the set of mine. This really isn't
a maindeck card, though, unless your metagame is
swarming with Boros decks. It is an excellent
sideboard card, however, as it wrecks aggro
decks if they can't deal with it. If they stop
playing out their hand to let it self-destruct,
that's good for you too, especially if you're
holding a Wrath. All in all a good card, but for
the most part, a sideboard one.
In casual, creatures are popular, so you'll get
hated for this.
In limited, maybe if I could make it one-sided
somehow, but probably not. The fact that it can
be useless some of the time makes me not want to