I know this card is fairly popular right now,
but I don't particularly like it. I always
thought it didn't do enough on its own, and
drawing one in a hand without support (devour
creatures, Nantuko Husk, Torrent of Souls,
Siege-Gang Commander) is bad times, as is
topdecking it late in the game - good luck
against Elspeth or Garruk, little goblins. Don't
get me wrong, I do understand why it is being
played, as it interacts favorably with those
cards I mentioned and many more besides. In
limited you can often afford to wait and set up
your Thunder-Thrash Elder, a kind of play you
often don't have the luxury to make in
Constructed: 3/5
Casual: 3/5
Limited: 3/5
The Missing
for just over 5 years
-Playing MTG for just over 10
Dragon Fodder
If only it were an instant. However, it is not.
As a sorcery, this is only a fair to moderate
card to use. There are a few token decks that
might like this. Paired with Sprouting Thrinax
and Gargadon, you may have something. First turn
Gargadon, Second Turn Fodder, Third Turn Thrinax
with Gargadon already at 8 you have some options
:). In limited, you can always use a chump block
but I would not draft it high.
Constructed: 2
Casual: 3
Limited: 2
Dragon Fodder
Great card to use with all of the Devour
creatures that are available.
For the cheap casual decks, or for the new
players this is a great card.
If you a one of the Devour bombs that are out
there, than this is the card or cards for you.
Overall a good card. To bad it did not have
Constructed: 3
Casual: 4
Limited: 3
Dragon Fodder
Average. In constructed devour isn't really
Tier1 so dragon fodder isn't exactly that
useful. In limited if you can draft a decent
Jund deck then it may find a place in the deck.
The only problem is that by itself its is fairly
subpar. In casual it will nearly always find a
place in Jund decks.