Monday July 21.
Savor the Moment
Take an extra turn, sounds great, sound awesome,
for only 1 and 2 blue. But, BUT!!!, you have to
skip your untap step of that turn. Not much to
do on the turn you take with 1 land open, this
is assuming you play it on the third turn. Will
probably not see it in Standard or Block due to
how fast the format can be. Plus playing against
control decks they will let you take the extra
turn and counter whatever you try to do during
your extra turn.
Fun card with the wonder 'Mirror' skipping the
untap step is not all that bad.
Working with this card in a sealed deck would be
interest. If you had a Thoughweft Gambit it
could swing the game around in your favor. Draft
I would pick it, but will probably not build a
deck around it. There are several cards I would
pick over it if I was not drafting blue.
Overall and good card with a hard drawback to
deal with. Good luck.
Constructed: 2
Casual: 3
Limited: 3