Oh, it's powerful. The real question
is, are there enough powerful Scarecrows for a
deck to be built around it? And with the
existence of changelings, I'd say the answer is
Constructed- 2.5
Casual- 4.5
Limited- 3
David Fanany
Player since
Reaper King
Scarecrows seem like a minor tribe, but there
are a few decent cheap ones like Heap Doll and
Lurebound Scarecrow, plus a few bigger, swingier
ones like Scarecrone and Wicker Warcrawler. (And
yes, changelings. I'm so tired of those things.)
His abilities are really powerful if your deck
has a way to take advantage of them, and he's
never been easier to play with the number of multilands
now in existence. He's even good in limited -
every god aura turns him into an unstoppable
killing machine.
Constructed: 2/5
Casual: 4/5
Limited: 3/5
The Missing
for just over 5 years
-Playing MTG for just over 10
Reaper King
In a devoted scarecrow deck, this guy is the
king (as per his name). However, seeing as
scarecrows are so far few and between (except in
block) this guy should really have not been a
legend. However, I can see how it might get
broken pretty quick vindicating two per round if
you ever got two kings out.
Constructed: 2
Casual: 3.5
Limited: 1 (too mana intensive)
Wednesday July 23
Reaper King
Two days left for Eventide.
Scarecrows are here to stay for awhile. They
have their King like everyone else. But in
Standard or Block not fast enought to keep up
with the big boys.
Everybody needs to make a Scarecrow deck. And
they have to try out the King. Just once in your
Magic lifetime.
It is a great card for Sealed or Draft. He can
fit into any deck and you do not have to run 5
colors to turn him out on turn five. Don't
underestimate the Scarecrows.
Overall a fun card to play around with. I busted
one from my prizes at the Shadowmoor PreRelease
and right away I built a Standard deck with the
King. It runs five colors, but everytime he hits
play I do not have any Scarecrows to play or
draw any to blow up their stuff. Maybe I will
run a Tinker deck with Scarecrows and their
King. HA!
Constructed: 2
Casual: 3
Limited: 4
Have a wonder day.
Wednesday - Reaper King
This is nice because you don't have to be
playing 5-color to get him out, but then he gets
more expensive that way. I personally wouldn't
bother playing him unless you know you can get
him out reliably at a cost of 6. He's a pretty
powerful card, since he turns all your
scarecrows into walking Vindicates. I don't
think scarecrows, as a whole, are powerful
enough to make the grade in constructed though.
5-color has better things to do with its mana
these days.
In limited, you'll probably end up paying 8 for
him, which is kind of steep, but he's pretty
powerful (especially if you can draft a bunch of
scarecrows) so I'd probably take him.