Just as Monday's card was a punch to the nose of
red mages, this one makes black players tremble.
The difference here is that Conversion stops a
red player cold without actually doing anything
to win you the game. Karma will deliver the
final blow easily, but in the meantime it
doesn't actually stop the black mage from doing
anything, which means this will motivate any
player with Swamps to finish you fast without
actually hindering them from doing so. In
multiplayer, that could be a very real concern.
But again, there's the problem of "what if
nobody's playing black?" The odds of someone
playing black go up in multiplayer, but then, so
do the consequences.
Constructed- 3
Casual- 3
Limited- ?
Wednesday -
An absolute killer against black decks. Not only
will it slowly (or quickly) kill them, but it
will be very hard for them to destroy it,
because it's an enchantment. This got reprinted
in Eighth Edition to have some time back in
Standard a few years ago, and I was disappointed
it wasn't reprinted again, although I can
understand why. If black is popular in your
area, and you're playing white, this makes a
great sideboard choice. Just don't play it in
casual, as people using black will just refuse
to play against you.
In limited, a good sideboard card, but don't
bother maining it, and I wouldn't waste an early
pick on this.
Constructed - 3
Casual - 2
Limited - 2.5
David Fanany
Player since
Remember my comment in the Conversion review
about color hosers that the target can do
absolutely nothing about? Karma is the prime
example of that. Black has absolutely no way to
remove enchantments, and Karma will generally
win against a mono-black deck in two or three
turns. It's not really any fun at all to play
against unless you have some kind of
uber-lifegain engine like Tendrils of Corruption
or Drain Life, and even then they'll only buy
you a turn or two. Karma is one of the most
powerful color hosers ever printed, but its lack
of any fun factor and completely non-interactive
design mean it will probably remain a historical
Ironically, it's not even viable in Extended any
more because Extended players seem to be
allergic to mono-colored decks.
Constructed: 3/5
Casual: 2/5
Limited: 2/5
The Missing
for just over 5 years
-Playing MTG for just over 10
This card has seen some fun play over the ages.
I think the only thing that may have recently
effected this card would be the creation of
Uborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth. That gives a nice,
uncounterable way to make this effective.
Otherwise, it takes a lot to make this card
worthy. In multiplayer pentacle (I don't even
know if people play this anymore) this was
always a good hate card.
Constructed: 2
Casual: 3
Limited: 3
Karma is a quality sideboard hate card. There is
some combo potential with Urborg, Tomb of
Yawgmoth, but that hasn’t materialized into
anything resembling a winner yet.