BMoor |
Oversoul of Dusk
It's 5/5 for only five mana,
and it will be very hard to block. Not
only that, but it's immune to black and red kill
spells or blue bounce-- including AEthertow.
Mirroweave can still kill it by turning
everything into something else, but nongreen,
nonwhite decks will be hard pressed for an
answer to this one.
Constructed- 4
Casual- 4.5
Limited- 4.75 |

David Fanany
Player since
1995 |
Oversoul of Dusk
You can't spell "unsolvable" without most of the
letters in Oversoul of Dusk. I do like the
immunity to bounce spells, and the fact that it
is basically unblockable in many parts of the
metagame. The mana cost is very difficult, but
you wouldn't even think of playing this outside
of green-white or maybe reanimator or dredge.
Akroma is still more popular because she has
actual evasive abilities, but after the November
Standard rotation, I expect the Oversoul will
step into that role.
Constructed: 3/5
Casual: 4/5
Limited: 5/5 |
The Missing
for just over 5 years
-Playing MTG for just over 10 |
Oversoul of Dusk
When looking for a finisher for a control deck,
this might be the guy. I doubt you would have
more than 3 in a deck and even then it may be 1
main and 2 sideboard. However, when it comes to
pro-everything but white/green you are smiling.
Bye terror, Bye burn, Bye bounce. Hello Win.
In limited, a bomb to say the least.
Constructed: 3
Casual: 4
Limited: 5 |
Magic Noob in Canada since 2002 |
Oversoul of Dusk
As it's pretty much impossible to get rid of,
Oversoul of Dusk is a great finisher in GW Mana
Ramp. And with so many hybrids in Shadowmoor,
this thing has protection of a lot of things.
It's also quite efficient for its mana cost.
In limited, this thing is nigh unkillable. Your
opponent better be playing white removal...
Constructed: 3/5
Casual: 3.5/5
Limited: 3.9/5 |

* Game Store Owner |
Oversoul of Dusk - Friday
I like ending the week on a
high note. This card has so much going for
it. Having protection from three colors
and being so large for 5 mana is huge. I
like it a lot. Expect to see a lot of this
card popping up in your local tournaments.
Constructed: 4
Casual: 5
Limited: 5

Jeff Zandi
7 Time Pro Tour Veteran
Player since 1994
Level II DCI Judge
Member of the Texas Guildmages |
Oversoul of Dusk
Although this is a big creature, I hope this
card has not been “oversoul’d” to players. Just
kidding, for limited, it would be pretty hard to
oversell this card. I have already seen how
green/white can be a powerful combination for
booster draft decks. While it can be challenging
to get this card in play, it is certainly worth
it when you do. Protection from red, black and
blue not only makes your creature safe from most
of the creatures people are playing in limited,
it also protects Oversoul of Dusk from virtually
all of the removal cards in Shadowmoor as well.
In constructed, I see the casting cost being a
bit of a problem for a creature without flying,
maybe in block constructed.
v0rac10u5 |
Oversoul of Dusk
A good finisher in
constructed, but its inability to get around
random green fatties *cough* Tarmogoyf *cough*
will prevent it from being truly amazing. Much
better in limited, where it will frequently end
the game in four turns.
Constructed: 3
Casual: 4
Limited: 5