A 4/4 for 4 in green or white?
Green is used to it, but white doesn't normally
get such efficient mid-to-high end beaters.
Could this be the new Crovax, Ascendant Hero in
white weenie? Could it make green/white
decks a force to be reckoned with despite their
historical shortcomings? To say nothing of
its discard-stymieing ability-- is this the end
of Tarmorack? Well, Quagnoth wasn't, so I
doubt it, but we can all hope, right?
Constructed- 3
Casual- 4
Limited- 4
David Fanany
Player since
Wilf-Leaf Liege
Having already played against this card in
Standard testing, I have to say I find it one of
the most annoying cards in the set. Ever stared
down a 5/4 Kitchen Finks, or even a 3/3 Elvish
Hexhunter? Aaron Forsythe wrote an article on
the Wizards of the Coast site in which he
mentioned that R&D was very close to putting
Armadillo Cloak in Time Spiral. For the first
time ever, I'm glad they didn't.
Constructed: 4/5
Casual: 4/5
Limited: 4/5
Wilt-Leaf Liege
Great card for 4 mana. Green and White creatures
can get really big with this Elf Knight in play,
plus it is not legendary. There is no discard
for block, maybe Pulling Teeth, but his ability
can be really good against a random Hymm.
Another elf pumper for the elves in block.
Most elf decks are solid green, so it's hybrid
mana cost will make it fit in any elf deck.
Very high on the draft picks, I would hate to
play against it. It's 4 toughest makes it hard
to deal with in limited. Sealed deck it's a bomb
if you have enough green and white creatures to
go with it.