Oblivion Ring was a big hit when it was
introduced in Lorwyn - and as a cheap,
nearly-permanent removal spell that can target
almost anything, why wouldn't it be? Being
reprinted in Alara suggests that it's here to
stay, and I personally couldn't be happier. It
gives control decks a versatile answer, white
weenie decks a fighting chance against Garruk,
Ajani Vengeant, and Elspeth, and Auratog.dec a
three-mana near-Vindicate that prevents
recursion. Play it early, play it often.
Constructed: 4/5
Casual: 4/5
Limited: 4/5
Friday 11-21-08
Oblivion Ring
Is it better than the one printed in Lorwyn?
Duhhh, it is the same card fool. Oh yeah. So why
did they reprint the best removal spell for
again one year later? Answer: Planeswalkers. But
they get almost everthing else, except shroud.
Use it to get ride of the biggest threat on the
table for multi-player. Most of the time they
will leave you alone, so they one with the
biggest threat goes away first. If you do not
like being the first out.
If you had heard the LSV took a Oblivion Ring
over Cruel Ultimatum you are probably wondering
why? When it comes to drafting, the decks tend
to be faster in Shards. So by the time you get
to cast your Ultimatum, it might not be helpfull
enough. And again, it gets Planeswalkers. Sealed
deck if you get enough white or I might even
splash it for main deck or side board it in.
Overall it came back to soon, but with all of
the new Planeswalkers that are probably comming
out it was a good idea to bring it back this
soon. We will see.
Constructed: 4
Casual: 3
Limited: 5
Oblivion Ring
I don't know how we have not reviewed this card
yet. This has to be one of the most popular
cards in recent history. The ability to deal
with any permenant is amazing. Not only that but
it removes the permenant from play, important
when dealing with static abilties and such.
Granted it can be removed it is still an
excellent piece of removal (one of the few that
can also deal with planeswalkers). Splash for it
in limited, great in standard if a little to
slow for the older formats and reliable removal
for casual. All round great card.