Depending on who you ask, new sets are either
making the game into lame, mindless creature
battles or pushing power creep beyond all
limits. Some day soon, someone might cite the
Overlord as evidence of power creep. (Not
me, though. I like Alara.) In gameplay, it's a
huge, blunt instrument, but sometimes that's
exactly what you need. Whether you play him with
Dragonstorm, Debtors' Knell, or Oath of Druids,
you'll always be glad to have him on your side.
Constructed: 4/5
Casual: 5/5
Limited: 4/5
Monday 9-22-08
Hellkite Overlord
You can play this card in Vintage, if you where
lucky to get one of those Vault of the Dragons.
But when it is legal for standard Dragonstorm
goes byebye. It should show up in Extended
Dragonstorm decks or even in Reanimator decks
too. The haste gives this Dragon something to
watch out for, and even if you chump block you
still have trample to deal with. Good thing it
does not have the protection from selected
This will be a hit with the Dragon fans the
world around.
This is a big bomb for limited. So far we have
not seen the whole set of cards in Shards of
Alara, so this is 'limited' opinion of how this
card will do. I would hope for a counter spell
or some sort of fog affect in this set to take
care of this Dragon. It is a good thing it has
to tap to attack. Once in play it can be game
over. Hope to have a Bant Charm ready. Good
thing this is Mythic rare.
Overall a great Dragon, all Dragons a great to
play with. There has been a lot of talk about
Mythic rarity. I like and than I do not like it.
It is great that this Dragon is a Mythic rare.
Dragons should be harder to get, which gives
them more value to the game and the money value.
And also it is NOT Legendary.
Constructed: 3
Casual: 5
Limited: 4
Hellkite Overlord
Flying, Trample, Haste
R: Hellkite Overlord gets +1/+0 until the end of
BG: Regenerate Hellkite Overlord
Talk about an absolute beatstick. The only
problem is with it's mana cost, but then again
when your summoning a dragon you kind of expect
to have to jump through a few hoops.
The usual reanimation tactics can work, as can
other methods such as Dragonstorm.
Not so great in constructed, by the time you get
to 8 mana, (10 to properly protect it) the game
is going to pretty close to over.
Limited however, if your in Jund, take it.
Getting to 8 mana isn't unheard of in limited
and this will win you the game unless they
answer within 2 turns.
Casual, who doesn't love dragons? Be prepared to
take some beatings if you play this in a
mutliplayer game though, people will fear you
with this on the today (hopefully anyway)
Constructed: 1/5
Casual: 4/5
Limited: 2.5/5
Monday - Hellkite Overlord
Welcome to Shards of Alara week! We're going to
review some cards that have been previewed or
spoiled this week.
We start off with a heck of a dragon, and a card
that was in the From the Vault special pack
recently released. This guy WILL win the game
for you...if you can get him to resolve. Eight
mana is a lot, and it's spread out over three
colors. I think he's very powerful but he won't
find a suitable home immediately because of the
heavy color requirements. Additionally, good
luck getting him to resolve against blue.
In limited, a bomb if you're in the colors,
obviously. It'll win the game for you.