Today's card of the day is Eternity Vessel
which is a kind of save file for life points,
The card gets a bit more interesting when
combined with something like Gilder Bairn, but
utterly shut down by Vampire Hexmage.
In Constructed and Multiplayer this card is a
bit too slow at six mana and a bit too
unreliable for needing a land drop to be really
effective. Unlike most landfall effects there is
unlikely to be any benefit from multiple land
drops in a turn, so this doesn't even fit in
well with a landfall theme deck. I really don't
see this showing up in competitive play very
often and if it is there are enough options for
dealing with it that any impact would be
For Casual the potential for a combo or at
least an amusing game makes this a bit more
attractive. Even if you are only able to reset
your life to ten or so, as the six mana cost
makes this come out a bit late in the game,
setting your life back a few times can be
important to another casual styled combo. I'd
suggest something along the lines of life gain
and Ajani's avatar and hope to lock in your life
total at a number at or above twenty.
With Limited a six mana artifact that
requires several conditions before being useful
is quite restrictive. The potential is solid and
in the right scenario can prevent death for
quite a while. However, preventing death is not
going to win a game and in the format a more
aggressive card is better suited to a winning
strategy. For Sealed if your mana curve isn't
too high and there's a slot free this card can
be played, but don't rely on it to save the day.
For booster aside from the mythic rare status I
would be very unlikely to draft it first and
would instead look for a good uncommon creature
or removal spell.
Constructed: 2.0
Casual: 2.5
Limited: 2.0
Multiplayer: 2.0