BMoor |
Basilisk Collar
Apparently Wizards likes the idea of lifelink
and deathtouch on the same creature. And
Equipments that cost one to cast and two to
equip? This isn't a bad card at all, especially
if you can get it onto a Cunning Sparkmage or
Stun Sniper. Or use it in the Kor Arms deck, and
swing in with a 2/2 lifelink deathtoucher, why
not? It turns even Conqueror's Pledge tokens
into a serious threat, when left back to block.
Constructed- 2.5
Casual- 3
Limited- 3
Multiplayer- 3

David Fanany
Player since
1995 |
Basilisk Collar
Vampire Nighthawk is arguably the best
creature in Zendikar. Is it a no-brainer, then,
to pay the same amount of mana to turn any other
creature into a parody of him? It is when the
target is a Black Knight who becomes able to
hold off a Cloudthresher. It is when the target
is a Cunning Sparkmage who becomes able to shoot
down Angels and Demons from a safe distance.
Basilisk Collar is by no means a universal
answer like Umezawa's Jitte was in its time, but
it is definitely one to watch.
Constructed: 3/5
Casual: 4/5
Limited: 4/5
Multiplayer: 2/5
Michael "Maikeruu" Pierno |
Today's card of the day is Basilisk Collar
which grants a creature Lifelink and Deathtouch,
a potent combination as seen on Vampire
Nighthawk. While the infamous Nighthawk has
Flying, a target with Vigilance to work on both
offense and defense, First Strike to keep
smaller creatures alive, or that can't be
targeted by opponent effects may be the best
In Constructed, Casual, and Multiplayer both
abilities are quite useful on their own and
placed on the creature of your choice can lead
to some very difficult decisions for an
opponent. The need for a creature to target,
lack of any protection or enhancement to raise
toughness, and the equip cost being two all hold
this down a bit, but expect to see a few people
working it into their decks.
With Limited this is a very solid rare which
makes a great first pick in Booster as it
doesn't lock you into any color and can fit into
any deck you may build. It probably should be
played in every Sealed deck, especially one with
the potential for larger creatures, or the
effects mentioned above, as the cost is overall
quite low and it can be attached to other
creatures as needed unlike an Aura.
Constructed: 4.0
Casual: 4.0
Limited: 4.5
Multiplayer: 4.0