In terms of pure power, Realms Uncharted is
probably the lesser cousin of Gifts Ungiven. But
I don't like focusing on what cards can't do; I
do like focusing on what cards can do. Realms
Uncharted can give you the colors you need if
you have enough Tenth Edition painlands or
Eventide filter lands in your deck to search
for. It can give you four lands if you're
already holding Life from the Loam. It can put
Riftstone Portal in your graveyard so you can
cast Erhnam Djinn with no drawback next turn. It
can give you plenty of ongoing action for Knight
of the Reliquary or Plated Geopede. For me,
that's more than enough to make it worthwhile.
Magic The Gathering Card of the day: Realm’s
Welcome back readers and today’s card I am in
love with, if it were a woman I would take it on
a date and be a gentlemen. Gift’s Ungiven is a
great card; Gift’s Ungiven in green with a land
clause is still a great card. The deck thinning
combined with the fact heavily land based decks
can take advantage of it, think Crucible of
World’s and Life from the loam, you are in fact
saying “ I can play any land in my graveyard
which should I choose”. In standard I don’t
expect it to see much play although it could be
of use. In extended I would love a play set of
this card combine possibly in a Deathcloud or
rock style deck in conjunction with Bloodghast
and Crucible of worlds I suspect it may see
moderate play in extended. In eternal the bulk
of this card’s play may come in 43 lands.dec ,
the sheer advantage that could come with this
card with a life from the loam engine is insane.
In casual and multiplayer its underwhelming as I
feel most casual players could overlook it and
the advantage is provides, although it could
have some sick combo’s at the kitchen table. In
limited I would rare draft it but I doubt it
will make a huge difference in your deck
possibly thinning and a boost to landfall
depending on the draft. Overall I am a fan of
this card look forward to utilizing it.
Today's card of the day is Realms Uncharted
which at three mana has the very rare effect of
searching your library for any four lands
without the limitation to basic only. This thins
out the library, adds to your hand, and
accelerates you towards the higher cost spells.
A very nice card that only requires the design
of the deck include a variety of lands which may
already be a part of Domain or many other three
to five color builds.
In Limited unless you are playing four or
five colors, which isn't generally recommended,
this is not nearly as useful as in constructed
formats. You can add an copy or two of lands
outside your colors to support this, but a savvy
opponent will just give those to you which
provides only minimal gain. A rare card that
probably shouldn't be a first pick in Booster
and likely left to the sidedeck in Sealed unless
playing four or five colors.
This isn't quite as exciting as Kodama's Reach,
the only other 2G spell I can think of that gets
you two lands, because it doesn't put one of
them directly into play. But it's still fairly
exciting. For one, it can in theory fix your
mana if you have enough dual/multi lands or can
keep your opponent from guessing which color
you're short on. With all the nonbasics in
Zendikar and Worldwake, you could easily search
for four lands that all tap for the same color
and just get yourself two lands. Or you could
combo it, with cards like Knight of the
Reliquary, Crucible of Worlds, or Life from the
Loam. And it's an instant, so you can do it all
on your opponent's end step.