David Fanany
Player since
1995 |
Galvanic Blast
I'm honestly not the hugest fan of Galvanic
Blast. Not because it's not good: it is,
especially when you consider how easy it is for
decks to play artifacts right now, and how easy
it is for artifact decks to play more than one
color. Under those circumstances, it's basically
always four damage for one mana, and that's
better than okay, and possibly better than good.
It's not the most exciting card to me, and while
I'd personally rather see a more innovative
design than a card engineered to fit in Standard
around Lightning Bolt, I appreciate its
existence and I applaud what it has done and
what it will continue to do.
Constructed: 4/5
Casual: 3/5
Limited: 4/5
Multiplayer: 3/5
Michael "Maikeruu" Pierno |
Today's card of the day is Galvanic Blast which
is a one mana Red instant that deals two damage
to target creature or player, like Shock, but
also has Metalcraft which increases the damage
to four. This is an excellent card for an
artifact deck that has some Red mana available
and is one of the cards that might make a
Red/Artifact design possible.
There is no drawback to this card and the proper
builds make this nearly as effective as
Lightning Bolt which is reason enough to
consider the overall potential of this burn
For Limited the format is filled with artifacts
and this is a common that can be picked first in
Booster when the rare is weak and second or
third in many packs. Four damage is huge
in Limited, whether it is direct or as removal
and every copy available should be played with
low cost artifacts as support. Multiples
of this should make splashing Red mandatory for
Sealed as it is cards like this that make
winning dramatically easier.
Constructed: 4.5
Casual: 4.5
Limited: 5.0
Multiplayer: 4.5
Gaming |
Welcome to the
card of the day section here at Pojo.com! Today
we are looking at Galvanic Blast from Scars of
Mirrodin. Galvanic Blast costs just one red mana
and is a common instant. Galvanic Blast deals
two damage to target creature or player, but it
deals four damage instead if you have Metal
craft (control three or more artifacts).
I love Galvanic Blast, despite the history I have personally with
this card. Let me take a moment to explain. It
was during a sealed deck tournament for Scars of
Mirrodin. I had the disfortune of playing
against a close friend of mine, who drafted a
red artifact deck. His first turn, he drops
Memnite, another Memnite, Mox Opal, and a
Mountain. He then proceeded to cast two Galvanic
Blasts, dealing me eight damage, before I even
had a chance to play a land. With two creatures,
and such a fast amount of damage dealt, that
game ended quickly, and I’ll never forget my
first actual encounter with Galvanic Blast.
And that kind of thing is what makes Galvanic
Blast what it is, a very amazing burn spell. The
capability of dealing eight damage that early in
the game does exist, and it is very easy to
exploit. Early game it could be just another
Shock kicking around waiting to take out a small
threat, later on, it could well be the game
ender. And for only a common, it is definitely
worth putting in any deck, even if you cannot
benefit from the Metalcraft. The reasoning
behind that is with Lightning Bolt out, and
Shock back in, it means you could run eight
This review is the last before Christmas, so from
all of us here at Pojo.com, I would like to
extend to you and yours from my family, my
friends, and my extended family, a very Merry
Christmas, Happy Holidays, or however you would
prefer to interpret the season. Keep safe, keep
Merry, and keep gaming!
Limited: 5/5
Casual: 5/5
Constructed: 5/5
Multiplayer: 3/5