David Fanany
Player since
1995 |
Moldgraf Monstrosity
If you're getting tired of Doom Blade, there are
few better foils to it than this card. The word
"random" is rather unusual and perhaps
off-putting at first, but you can think of it as
a variant of Solemn Simulacrum's death trigger,
except you probably have fewer creatures in your
graveyard than cards in your library, and
they're probably all useful. If they weren't,
you wouldn't have cast them and your opponent
wouldn't have killed them, right? If the current
Standard is going to get the same effects for
two mana that perfectly healthy formats of the
past didn't have for less than three, then it
darn well should get cards like this. Also
amazing in recursion decks in Commander or other
large casual formats!
Constructed: 3/5
Casual: 4/5
Limited: 4/5
Multiplayer: 4/5

Paul |
Welcome back readers today’s card of the day is
a monster! Moldgraf Monstrosity an expensive
recursion creature. In standard it I way too
expensive mana cost wise to see play, returning
creatures at random is interesting and the
potential to return other bombs certainly is
tempting but I think there are large varieties
of playable creatures before this gets
considered for a deck, barring some sort of
combo I am not seeing. In extended and modern
this card suffers the same fate the competition
is just too fierce leaving this card out in the
cold for competitive play. Unsurprisingly the
same thing can be said for eternal formats. In
casual and multiplayer this card is powerful.
Being able to recur two of your best creatures
is certainly powerful the random aspect can be
negated by removing creatures in your grave
using cards like Necrogenesis and Night Soil.
The 8/8 trample body is also nothing to sneeze
at in a format where bigger is better making
this an interesting card to build around to take
advantage of its ability and a reasonable body
for the mana cost. In limited it’s a bomb but it
requires a tremendous amount of green so unless
your heavy base green its not the best pick,
however it is a bomb. Overall an interesting
card that has more casual applications then
Constructed: 1.5
Casual: 3.0
Limited: 3.0
Multiplayer: 3.0
Michael "Maikeruu" Pierno |
Today's card of the day is Moldgraf Monstrosity
which is a seven mana
8/8 with Trample and will summon two creatures
at random from your graveyard when it dies. Even
if it only brings back elves or other lower end
creatures the card advantage from this is quite
solid. A seven mana 8/8 with Trample is a fair
price for Green and it works well in the typical
mana acceleration to big creature designs.
Overall a nice addition to the theme and may
even see tournament play with combos to remove
unwanted creatures from the graveyard or add
bombs to cheat them into play.
In Limited this is an easy first pick bomb
that makes any deck far more threatening to an
opponent. The 8/8 and Trample are huge for the
format and returning two creatures is a major
advantage. Most Sealed decks should run Green as
the primary, barring an equally impressive bomb
in another color, and Booster can't go wrong
drafting this immediately.
Constructed: 4.0
Casual: 4.0
Limited: 5.0
Multiplayer: 4.0
Gaming |
Welcome to the card of the day section
here at Pojo.com! Today we look at Moldgraf
Monstrosity from Innistrad. Moldgraf Monstrosity
costs four generic and three green mana, and is
a rare creature-insect. Moldgraf Monstrosity is
an 8/8 with trample that has the ability that
when it dies, you exile it and then randomly put
two creature cards from your graveyard back onto
the battlefield.
While the ability may seem amazing, it
isn’t all it is cracked up to be. While yes,
gaining two creatures for the cost of one may
seem great, it isn’t. For starter’s, you are
losing an 8/8 with trample. Next, who knows what
exactly will replace it. Granted, if other good
things have been put into your graveyard it is a
plus, but what if you only gain two 1/1’s? You
have to work far too hard to make the
replacement worth it. While yes, blue currently
has several ways of removing potentially
unwanted creatures, is anything you are likely
to bring back better than an 8/8 trample? What’s
worse is you do not have an option in the
ability either. Meaning, if it dies, the ability
activates. I’d prefer to choose to activate an
ability like this, because at least there are
ways of bringing back the Moldgraf Monstrosity.
But alas, once dead, it triggers.
Playing two colors seems like a sound
strategy these days, and this guy has the
potential to improve a blue/green zombie deck,
if only to bring back other green creatures, and
use the new zombies to control what is in the
graveyard. Other than that, utilizing him seems
risk/reward oriented, is the risk of losing such
a good creature, and possibly getting nothing in
return really worth it. For me the answer would
be yes. He is still an 8/8 trample for just
seven mana while he is on the board, no matter
how long that may be. And your opponent likely
will kill him off as quickly as possible to get
rid of him, permanently. So then he could be
replaced by two other creatures you may have
lost along the way.
Definitely not something I would expect
to see surface in tournaments, but still a
decent card nonetheless.
Limited: 2/5
Casual: 4/5
Constructed: 3/5
Multiplayer: 2/5