BMoor |
Flesh & Blood
It's time to do the Fusion Dance, apparently,
because this week we're looking at the new Fuse
split cards from Dragon's Maze. Each one acts
just like a normal split card, with Fuse
allowing you to cast both halves at once. And
each Fuse card is built so that the two halves
play off each other, giving you something more
powerful if you can hold off until you can
afford them both. This presents a unique puzzle
not just in playing it, but in deckbuilding. Can
you run a Fuse card in a deck that can only cast
one half? If you can cast both halves, is it
always the right play to hold onto it until you
have the mana to Fuse them? To find out, each
Fuse review is going to have to be three reviews
in one-- one for Flesh, one for Blood, and one
for Flesh & Blood.
Flesh is basically the Scavenge mechanic for
any creature card in your graveyard. Scavenge,
to be honest, has been a bit of a disappointing
mechanic for the Golgari, even when we don't
consider how it compares to Dredge. It's not
bad, exactly, since you can get some extra use
out of your creatures that have died, and can
even scavenge your oppoents' creatures, which
makes it good against an opposing Rot Farm
Skeleton or the like. I'd rather have
Incremental Growth for about the same mana, but
if you've only got one creature and there's
something decently big that's dead, it could be
okay. You really need a small evasive creature
to make it work though, and it'd work a lot
better if Dragon's Maze had also given us a
high-power, low-toughness creature like Deadly
Insect or Giant Solifuge.
Blood is a decent kill spell for Gruul,
especially since they already have a cheap
efficient deathtouch creature in Wasteland
Viper. I'd much rather play Blood than Pit Fight
because even at sorcery speed, Blood isn't a
"fight" mechanic and so the creature you're
trying to kill doesn't get to deal damage back.
Using Pit Fight with the Viper will kill just
about anything, but cost you your Viper. Blood
also has the advantage of being ale to hit
players, so if you have a creature like Ohran
Viper with a good triggers-on-damage ability,
you can combo it with Blood nicely. A straight
burn spell like Searing Spear would probably be
more reliable, but Blood has a higher potential
damage output.
Flesh & Blood costs seven mana and requires a
moderately-sized dead creature. At that mana,
it's time to just win the game outright. Flesh &
Blood powers up one of your creatures and most
likely kills an opposing creature, making it a
strong board-state swing, but for its cost I
just don't see it. Especially since, if you're
in black, red, and green, there's better kill
spells and better pump spells you could be
Ratings: Flesh, Blood, Flesh & Blood
Constructed- 1.5, 3.5, 2
Casual- 2, 3.5, 3.5
Limited- 2, 4, 3.5
Multiplayer- 3, 3, 3.5
Michael "Maikeruu" Pierno |
Today's card of the day is Flesh and Blood
which is either a five mana Black and Green or
two mana Red and Green with the option of Fuse.
Flesh works well with discarded or sacrificed
creature cards with drawbacks to balance out a
high power and some sort of evasive threat.
The combo requires a fairly dedicated deck
design, but can be very effective in ending the
game. Blood can work with Flesh or similar
creatures to end the game by itself or after an
attack and can be very efficient for the mana
cost, with or without Flesh involved. Overall
Blood is excellent and will likely see quite a
bit of play with or without the Black mana to
use Flesh, while Flesh may get a home in a
specialized deck the combo is fairly mana
intensive and kept to Jund builds.
In Limited Flesh is at worst going to be a
small permanent power up for one of your
creatures, which is playable in the format and
only a dead draw with an empty battlefield or
graveyard. Blood is a serious threat and game
changer that should be a first pick in Booster
and automatic inclusion for Gruul in Sealed.
Running both is possible with a splash of the
third color, and seven mana for both is
certainly manageable, but is more worth it to
add Blood than to add Flesh.
Constructed: 4.0
Casual: 4.0
Limited: 4.5
Multiplayer: 4.0

David Fanany
Player since
1995 |
Flesh and Blood
Using the fuse mechanic gets really
expensive. I suppose that makes sense - you're
getting two spells in one card, so you should
probably have to pay for two spells. The
question then becomes whether you can make use
of each half on its own, and whether the
combined effect is worth all that mana. In the
case of Flesh and Blood, I think the answer to
the second question is yes. It's worth noting
that you do the effects in the order you read
them if you turn the card sideways so the text
is right-side-up, so you can scavenge a huge
creature and then kill something with your
creature's newly enhanced power. Each side by
itself is also very useful - Flesh hurts
reanimator decks and speeds up your clock, or
just gives you another use out of something
that's already died in combat; while Blood is
Pit Fight without the risk of losing your own
creature (also known as "the part that they'd
probably feel is the balancing aspect of the
fight mechanic") and the ability to hit players.
In other words, crazy.
Constructed: 4/5
Casual: 4/5
Limited: 4/5
Multiplayer: 4/5