BMoor |
Profit & Loss
Today we're reviewing Profit, and Loss, and
Profit & Loss.
Profit looks a lot like an effect we've seen
in quite a few Core Sets. It'll fit right into a
token deck, and as luck would have it, the
Selesnya are all about tokens. The Boros Legion
wouldn't mind having a Profit resolve either,
but its value definitely increases as your army
does, and nobody floods the board with attackers
like a token deck.
Loss, meanwhile, is the one card token decks
DON'T want to see their opponent drop on them.
It's probably not going to kill much on its own,
but played in combat it can be surprisingly
effective, turning bad blocks into good trades,
saving your creatures or killing opponents', or
just saving you from a few points of damage.
There's also the fact that most of the creatures
that Profit can't help you kill-- the ones with
tap abilities that don't mix it up in combat--
tend to have one toughness.
Profit & Loss has the same effect as Zealous
Persecution for three more mana. I might have
recommended it in a Modern white tokens deck,
which tend to splash back for the flashback on
Midnight Haunting anyway, but Zealous
Persecution is legal in Modern. And most W/B
decks in Standard are Orzhov Extort control, not
weenie beatdown, so Profit & Loss is gong to
struggle to find its place. Limited players will
probably splash it into their Boros or Selesnya
decks but that's probably it. This card
definitely benefits from Fuse, as it creates a
bigger size difference in combat, but from a
deckbuilding perspective you're probably going
to run it for one half or the other.
Ratings: Profit, Loss, Profit & Loss
Constructed- 3.5, 3.5, 2.5
Casual- 3.5, 3, 4
Limited- 3, 3, 3.5
Multiplayer- 2.5, 3.5, 4

David Fanany
Player since
1995 |
Profit and Loss
Apparently Zealous Persecution from Alara
Reborn was way too cheap. Apparently. I suppose
their logic was that these two effects can
combine to make an instant-speed Plague Wind or
to basically win the game on the spot, and
should be rather expensive. Apparently. Still,
their individual and combined costs put Profit
and Loss in the position of being among the
weakest of the fuse cards, in the abstract.
Either side can still be reasonably useful on
its own - there are situations where you play
any kind of creature-boosting or
creature-killing spell you can get - but
constructed decks will go in a different
Constructed: 2/5
Casual: 2/5
Limited: 3/5
Multiplayer: 2/5
Michael "Maikeruu" Pierno |
Today's card of the day is Profit and Loss
which is either a two mana White, three mana
Black, or the total of both when combined with
Profit gives creatures you control +1/+1 until
end of turn which is at best a mediocre combat
trick as otherwise permanent boost can be had
for the same mana cost. The +1/+1 is just not
enough by itself and the five mana fuse option
is very inefficient and not appealing by itself
when better options have been printed in the
past. Three mana for Loss isn't great and
barring a swarm of one toughness creatures is
far too situational compared to direct or bigger
global effects. Overall this is not a card that
is likely to see play in any capacity,
particularly in older formats with a wide
selection of similar effects.
In Limited either effect is of some use and
even the Fuse option may be played in the
format, giving it more value than Constructed.
The increase or decrease can potentially majorly
impact a battle or at least make a difference of
several life points and ultimately swing the
momentum back in your favor. It isn't a first
pick, yet is decent enough to warrant
consideration at second or third depending on
the pack in Booster. In Sealed either color
should strongly consider maindecking it and
Orzhov has added benefits, though it isn't worth
splashing for the Fuse.
Constructed: 2.0
Casual: 2.0
Limited: 2.5
Multiplayer: 2.0