BMoor |
Ready & Willing
Reviewing effectively three cards per day is
pretty taxing, but I haven't blown a Fuse yet--
I'm ready and willing to finish out the week. ;)
Ready is a great ace in the hole to follow up
a fairly aggressive attack. Much like a Fog, you
can use it to feint and lure your opponent into
a bad attack, or simply to save ourself from a
surprisingly intense assault. Indestructibility
means it can also save your team from Mizzium
Mortars or the like... or as a combo with
Supreme Verdict to leave you as the only person
at the table with any creatures.
Willing, meanwhile, is the perfect
accompaniment to an all-out attack step.
Lifelink helps cushion the inevitable return
blow, and deathtouch will either eliminate your
opponents' blockers or buffalo them into letting
you through for damage. Either way it's a huge
swing in your favor, only made stronger by more
attackers. Those W/B Modern tokens decks I
mentioned yesterday may not find room for Profit
& Loss, but they should be Willing to make room
for this.
Ready & Willing requires six mana across
three colors, but if you can scrounge it up and
you have a decent sized army on the board, it's
an absolute rout. Your creatures won't die, your
opponent's creatures will, and you're gaining a
nice chunk of life. It's most ruinous when
you're on the defense, since your opponent has
already committed to attacking, but if your
opponent has enough blockers to assign it can be
just as bad on the offense. Especially in
Limited, where resolving one essentially says
"target player scoops".
Ratings: Ready, Willing, Ready & Willing
Constructed- 2, 4, 3.5
Casual- 2.5, 3.5, 4.5
Limited- 3, 4, 4.5
Multiplayer- 3, 4, 4.5

David Fanany
Player since
1995 |
Ready and Willing
Ready and Willing is easily one of the
swingiest of the fuse cards. There will be a lot
of times when you play it late game and kill a
scourge of dragons with Saprolings, or tempt
your opponent into racing and then turn things
completely around. This is also one of the fuse
cards with the strongest individual components.
You'll often be happy to play either half early
in the game too - while control decks may adopt
Merciless Eviction in response to cards like
Voice of Resurgence, you can still use Ready to
foil damage spells, and even the thought that
you might be holding Willing can make people
reluctant to attack with large creatures.
Constructed: 4/5
Casual: 4/5
Limited: 4/5
Multiplayer: 4/5
Michael "Maikeruu" Pierno |
Today's card of the day is Ready and Willing
which is either a three mana Green and White,
three mana White and Black, or the total of both
when combined with Fuse. Both options are very
powerful and can be devastating when Fused
together. Even a few creatures untapped and
indestructible or given Deathtouch and Lifelink
can grant a major change to the game while both
nearly wins it outright. Three mana for either
side is affordable and efficient plus the
flexibility allows many opportunities beyond the
typical combat tricks. Supported by tokens and
used as a response to an alpha strike or to
initiate one there is little outside of Blue
that can be done to mitigate the results. This
has the potential to carry Black/White/Green
tokens into the top tier of current Constructed
In Limited this is unlikely to have the level
of token support that other formats can provide,
but the heavily creature oriented setting can
make it an even more effective endgame play.
Splashing Green into Orzhov or Black into
Selesnya is absolutely worth it when this is one
of your rares, though two White to get Fuse in a
Golgari deck is a bit more difficult. The cost
is quite manageable and it is an easy first pick
in Booster and Sealed that can be played in any
of the above guilds even without splashing.
Constructed: 4.0
Casual: 4.0
Limited: 4.0
Multiplayer: 4.0