A good option for red decks that find themselves
having trouble coping with weenie rush decks or
token factories. Many solid token generators are
themselves creatures that would die to this. And
in a higher-range Red deck, one that runs
Dragons or Giants, you need to clear the board
of the chaff. The exile clause is nice, but
irrelevant in most games. Still, white, black,
and even green can bring back creatures from
graveyards. Red, by and large, can't. So exiling
dead creatures can't really hurt you, and could
hurt another player. Why not?
I understand that Theros has a focus on gods,
heroes, and monsters. That's completely
understandable. Hopefully, before the block is
done, we'll also see some other elements of
Greek mythology too. This card reminded me how
much I would love to see some sort of creature
aura named "Hubris." Until then, this will be
the go-to card for lots of defensive decks - the
converted mana cost is fantastic, the colored
requirement is easy to meet in any post-Ravnica
collection, and the exile ability makes
everything from Drudge Beetle to Kitchen Finks
Welcome back readers today’s card of the day is
a powerful board sweeper being able to deal
three damage to each creature is a powerful
board wipe. In standard the exile clause is
super beneficial as it allows decks to deal with
Voice of Resurgence as well as stopping early
weenie rushes and providing a powerful tool for
control decks. In modern and eternal formats
this cards exile clause may be relevant
depending on match ups and will undoubtedly see
modern play as it deals with the shenanigans of
certain archetypes that rely on their resilient
creatures. In casual and multiplaer the exile
clause may not be as relevant depending on the
decks you face but the three damage sweeper can
play a powerful role in early game. In limited
it’s a powerful tool but one you need to build
around or just use as an early game equalizer
when boards are cluttered. Overall a powerful
constructed card with some applications
Today's card of the day is Anger of the Gods
which is a three mana Red that deals three
damage to each creature and are exiled if they
die that turn. This is an excellent low
cost form of mass removal in many situations,
that combines Pyroclasm with Incinerate for a
stronger whole. The deck theme of using
mass removal as a one-sided board sweeper is
more difficult with this, which limits the
potential applications, but overall this is a
very powerful card that will likely see
aggressive play primarily in mono-Red.
In Limited this is a serious threat and game
changing play that can turn
a loss into a win with little to no support.
As a topdeck it stalls
and played alongside other burn, for larger
threats, or creatures with Haste it can be very
difficult for an opponent to recover from.
An easy first pick in Booster, even if only hate
drafted, and a compelling reason to run Red in
Sealed. The drawbacks mainly fall on it
being a come from behind play, the double Red,
and the risk of destroying your own creatures
potentially backfiring.
Anger of the Gods is a red removal spell that
incinerates every creature on the board! Who
doesn’t like the sound of that? I love the sound
of mass burn and exile! Let’s take a look at the
standard format right now and where this card
makes an impact. Immortal Servitude players
already fear this card. Red agro players are
probably thinking about playing against this
card and NOT playing with it. Anger of the Gods
is in the awkward stage of Standard play right
now. Mid-Range agro might be the best place for
Anger of the Gods. Casual players will love this
card because of the exile effect. Mass removal
in Sealed play is always helpful. Multiplayer
gives Anger of the Gods more creatures to burn.
I know that this card is a Sorcery, but the
exile effect is what pushes Anger of the Gods
above the previous weenie blasters!