BMoor |
Rubblebelt Maaka
A 3/3 for four with no combat-relevant
abilities is nothing to get excited about.
Bloodrush may look like a combat abilitiy at
first glance, but it only works when the Maaka
is in your hand. When it's on the field, it's a
vanilla 3/3 and is handily outclassed by just
about anything an opponent will play. So it's
the Bloodrush ability that's the real point of
interest-- basically a Giant Growth that only
works on the attack. Giant Growth doesn't see a
lot of play in Constructed, but I've used it
there to great effect myself and can testify
that an aggro deck can definitely run it. When
you've got Giant Growth and your opponent knows
it, you can get away with some incredibly dodgy
attacks just because your opponent doesn't want
to lose his best creature to a surprise +3/+3,
and players at low life will hold back more
blockers than necessary out of fear.
What does that mean for the Maaka? It means
it's not a creature spell with an upside, it's
actually a pump spell that won't get stranded in
your hand if your board is empty. It also means
casting a Maaka, while an underwhelming play on
its face, could be used as a psychological
tactic. It tells your opponent that your
creature may not be that impressive, but you may
be able to give it, or any other creature, +3/+3
on the attack. Once your opponent sees the Maaka,
he needs to play around it. And if you don't
have another one, him playing around a card you
don't have is just as bad as him not playing
around a card you do have. This isn't reliable,
but it can be fun-- best used in Limited, where
more games revolve around combat anyway.
Constructed- 2
Casual- 3
Limited- 4
Multiplayer- 2.5

Paul |
Welcome back readers todays card of the day is
a solid limited card nothing more nothing less.
In any competitive constructed format this
creature is not worthy of including in decks and
is relatively unexciting. In casual and
multiplayer this creature is decent and
bloodrush is a solid way for a creature to
double as a combat trick adding some
unpredictability and versatility to your deck
and the cost and boost for this bloodrush is
just right. The fact it is also a cat lends some
appeal to this card. In limited this is a solid
dude, playable and having multiple copies
increases your options. Overall a strictly
limited card that has some niche uses in casual.
Constructed: 1.0
Casual: 1.5
Limited: 2.5
Multiplayer: 1.5