I kind of regret not knowing about this card
back when I was still playing Trounce-O-Matic.
I'm not convinced it would have been a good card
for that deck, especially since I had blue cards
to draw cards just for me, but I probably
would've enjoyed it. This is a pretty clear
example of how green card draw works-- it's not
as strong as blue's card draw, but it's strong
enough to play, and it revolves around
creatures. If your deck is full of creatures and
doesn't have many ways to win outside of
creatures, this is how you beat control decks.
They wipe the board, you cast this and
completely refill while they get maybe one or
two cards off of it. If they let it resolve.
Against another aggro deck, there's a good
chance they're benefiting from it just as much
as you are, unless you had the foresight to
exile their graveyard or something.
I'm sure some people look at a card like this
and ask why the effect has to be symmetrical or,
worse, "help my opponent". But this kind of
effect doesn't have to be asymmetrical or call
your opponent a nasty name to be worthwhile.
Maybe your opponent is that sort of blue deck
that relies on Persuasion and Faerie Conclave
and doesn't even have any creatures in their
graveyard. Maybe your opponent has a deck with
mostly small creatures, and everything you draw
is going to be larger than everything he draws
or have synergies that will put you over the
top. Maybe you're in a multiplayer game, and
letting more than one person draw cards, even if
some of them are technically trying to take you
out of the game, will have political benefits.
Maybe you want your opponent to draw more than
you because your Millstone and Howling Mine have
him on a clock, and you're holding a bunch of
Counterspell variants for his Disenchants. Maybe
it doesn't matter. Maybe in a strategy game,
some things have costs, both material and
opportunity, and not everything good has seven
comes-into-play abilities stapled onto it.
Today's card of the day is Nature's Resurgence
which is a four mana Green sorcery that has each
player draw a card for each creature card in
their graveyard. This is solid alongside self
milling strategies or combined with effects that
remove an opponent's graveyard. Green doesn't
have an abundance of card draw effects, so there
is still value with this in a variety of formats
that allow it. Properly supported it is a decent
draw engine and with Green's acceleration
options many of the cards drawn can potentially
be played that turn. Overall a solid card in the
right deck, though a little more difficult to
gain an advantage from in Multiplayer.
In Limited controlling the graveyards is
trickier and giving your opponents cards is
rarely worth it outside of a milling theme. The
potential drawback outweighs the benefit enough
that this can be safely passed in Booster and
kept in the sidedeck for Sealed in most
Nature's Resurgence is a popular Commander card
and it used to be popular in a few decks.
Creature agro decks and reanimation decks used
to love this card! I’m just happy that we are
getting to review a decent card today. Nature's
Resurgence can be used in many different ways.
Elves, Slivers and Thalids liked to use it to
refuel after losing their army. There are
obviously ways to manipulate Nature's Resurgence
so that your opponents won’t get to draw cards
and that is what players try in Commander games.
Overall, Nature's Resurgence is a card that was
overlooked by players and I’ll never understand
why. This card is great in Limited and creature
based decks!
Magic The Gathering Card of The Day: Natures
Welcome back readers todays card of the day is
Natures Resurgence a somewhat powerful draw card
that shines in creature heavy decks. This card
allows each player to draw a card for each
creature card in their graveyard, depending on
the amount of creatures this card can provide an
insane amount of advantage, the fact it affects
each player is more of a political tool for
group hug based decks allowing each player to
reap an advantage. Your deck can also be built
to take advantage of dumping multiple creatures
in the graveyard you can reap the benefits of
this card more than your opponents. In
constructed formats this card is a dud, too
expensive and the symmetrical effect is not
worthy of inclusion. In casual and multiplayer
it is solid card draw and does have the option
to be a political tool. In limited it’s kind of
wonky as you don’t want opponents drawing at
all. Overall a solid multiplayer and casual card
that fills a niche.