David Fanany
Player since
1995 |
Nessian Demolok
So, I've been having a little trouble figuring
out why this upcoming set is called "Born of the
Gods". Is it because of the higher concentration
of enchantment creatures? Is it because of the
specific abilities that the humans have (which
don't look that different from the humans in the
Theros set)? It can't be a reference to Xenagos,
because it's backwards compared to what he did
(he was born of mortals and is now a god). If
you figure it out, let me know.
I've always thought the punisher mechanic was a
good idea, even though competitive players
deride it as bad and not the sort of thing they
want in their tournaments or in the same state
as them. I never dreamed, though, that we'd get
a set containing a whole bunch of creatures that
basically acted like punisher spells. Nessian
Demolok, for example, is actually reasonably
efficient regardless of which outcome you end up
getting. I also like that even if your opponent
does manage to pay tribute, the Demolok is going
to be large enough to one-shot most
planeswalkers under normal circumstances. While
this means they will get another activation out
of whichever character is threatening you, it's
still not ideal for them.
Also note the "opponent of your choice"
phrasing. Depending on how you feel about
politics in multiplayer games, you're either
smiling or wincing right now.
Constructed: 2/5
Casual: 3/5
Limited: 3/5
Multiplayer: 3/5
Michael "Maikeruu" Pierno |
Today's card of the day is Nessian Demolok
which is a five mana Green
3/3 with Tribute 3 that either has an opponent
of your choice place three +1/+1 counters or
allows you to destroy target non-creature
permanent. This is either a 6/6 for five,
which is slightly ahead of the curve for Green
though lacking any combat effects is a notable
weakness, or a two for one source of card
advantage. The result depends entirely on
the state of the opponent's battlefield and
cards in hand as they will at least lose a land
if no other non-creature permanents are out, but
the decision is complicated when other cards are
in play.
Overall this is not the best example of the
Tribute keyword as other Green creatures offer
more in combat than a 6/6, though the
applications in Multiplayer shouldn't be
In Limited both results are more useful as a
five mana 6/6 is a serious threat and even
losing a land can be a major problem depending
on the mana requirements of an opponent. A
solid second or third pick in Booster and there
is little reason not to include a copy in Sealed
when running Green.
Constructed: 3.0
Casual: 3.0
Limited: 4.0
Multiplayer: 4.0