Michael Sokolowski |
Your creatures become unstoppable.
That's what Iroas, God of Victory might as
well say. Because it's true. When you play this
card, that's more or less what's going to
It sort of takes a minute of looking at his
ability to truly realize the potential of this
power. At a quick glance, it might seem
underwhelming. 4 mana, and all it does is force
your opponent to double block? That's...
relatively ho-hum. In a hypothetical situation
where you each have a 2/2 and a 3/3 and you
attack with them on turn 4, all this would mean
is your opponent will double block one of your
creatures at the cost of losing one of his own,
and the other will get through for some damage.
But wait. Is that really what happens?
Normally in a double blocking situation, you
would at least lose the attacking creature that
gets double blocked, right? Except now your
attacking creatures take no damage. At all. From
anything, at least while they're attacking. It's
a form of mini-indestructible, you could say,
that only works during your combat phase. But
that's generally when you need it the most.
This is not me saying the first ability is
boring, and the second ability is awesome. What
I'm saying is they combine to form a theme. A
theme that red/white is well known for being the
best at: Constant. Aggressive. Attacking. This
is a card for a very specific type of deck, a
red/white deck that builds up an army and
charges in with it as much as possible. You
attack, you deal damage, you attack more, you
deal more damage. That's red/white in a
nutshell. It's not all passive and controlling
like white/blue, or slow but lumbering and
massive like green mana accel, or sneaky and
tricky like black. Red/white is here to win.
Plain and simple.
So how will your opponent respond to your
army of nearly unblockable semi-indestructible
creatures? Well most likely he won't be blocking
much, unless he's got things with deathtouch or
protection or indestructible himself. More
likely though, it's going to become a race.
You'll be alpha striking with all of your
creatures because why not, but you'll be leaving
yourself wide open for your opponent to respond
in kind. So it becomes a question about who can
win that race. If you're playing red/white, it's
probably you, but don't underestimate your
opponent just because you have the offensive
Another problem is the fact that you need
creatures to make this strategy work. No
problem, right? Your deck would have tons of
good attacking creatures if you're running this.
But with any creature-heavy focus, you're more
vulnerable to removal, especially because Iroas
doesn't do anything to protect your guys. Doom
Blade, Lightning Bolt, Path to Exile, Banishing
Light, and Day of Judgment especially can set
you back a long ways. The final problem is that
your creatures still come as-is. Meaning Iroas
doesn't do anything to make them stronger
either. No power boost, no toughness boost. No
card drawing, no life gain. No getting back your
dead guys, no removing theirs. You get better at
attacking, but what you have to attack with is
still your standard stuff.
So with all that said, is this a good card?
Is it worth 4 mana, and a spot in your deck? If
you're playing red/white with aggressive
creatures, absolutely. Not taking damage when
you attack when your win condition is attacking
is just too good. Being able to attack and have
your guy likely get through to the face is just
too good. Use this power with things that like
hitting the face. Perhaps something with double
strike, or maybe something that draws you a card
when it deals combat damage to a player. Also,
remember inspired? The ability that's just too
slow most of the time because your creature has
to attack, not die, and then live to untap 2
turns after you've played it? Well guess what
suddenly just became playable and really good in
a deck with this.
This will see play in constructed. 4 mana
with no immediate effect on the board isn't the
greatest, but then you can say that about a lot
of the gods. This 4 mana investment can help you
establish board control and let your creatures
do work and go to town. And hey, if you get a
7/4 out of it, even better. But never count on
that happening. For casual this can still be
fun, but it doesn't have the eye-catching big
impact that casual loves. It's a surprisingly
subtle piece of tech that gradually helps you
win, and it's really good when you build the
right deck with it. For limited, yes. Just...
yes. You simply can't say no to making your
creatures nearly unkillable in combat in a
creature combat heavy format.
What more do you want me to say? It's the God
of friggen Victory. If you can't be victorious
with the God of Victory, what CAN you win with?
Constructed: 3.75
Casual: 3.75
Limited: 4.5
Multiplayer: 3.5