David Fanany
Player since
1995 |
Hall of Triumph
Maybe it's only because I just spent 80 hours
over the last month playing Final Fantasy X (I
can't describe how happy I am that it's back and
in HD), but there's something about this card's
aesthetic that reminds me of that game. The
stars kind of look like pyreflies and that
statue or image of the hero reminds me of the
fayth's chambers. I'm not sure this card is
destined to be the kind of thing that has
immense emotional impact even after thirteen
years, but a Glorious Anthem that can go into
any deck is something that will put the fear
into a lot of opponents.
Constructed: 4/5
Casual: 4/5
Limited: 4/5
Multiplayer: 4/5
Michael "Maikeruu" Pierno |
Today's card of the day is Hall of Triumph
which is a Legendary three mana artifact that
gives creatures you control of a chosen color
This is a decent card to add to a multicolor
deck with creatures primarily of one color and
also works for many other builds such as tokens
or swarm. The cost of three is reasonable if not
quite as good as some options from the past, but
it does work alongside any of them and if
already using Anthem or Crusade style effects
there is little reason not to include another.
Being Legendary is a drawback, aside from
Commander where the single color effect is the
downside, though that shouldn't prevent it from
seeing some deck slots across formats.
In Limited this is an excellent card for
almost any deck that can power up whatever
creature color is most likely to be the primary
one in play. In Booster it is a great first pick
that doesn't lock you into any color and aside
from being a poor topdeck should generally be an
effective play. For Sealed there is no reason
not to include this in any deck as at worst it
adds +1/+1 to a creature while the potential for
more is much higher.
Constructed: 3.5
Casual: 3.5
Limited: 4.0
Multiplayer: 3.5
Deck Garage |
Hall of Triumph
Giving all of something +1/+1 is a classic
effect. First there was Bad Moon and Crusade for
Black creatures and White Creatures. Then there
was Glorious Anthem and the colorshifted Gaea's
Anthem that covered everything. This is kind of
a hybrid of the two types of cards. If you are
playing a monocolored deck (and that's primarily
when you want to play the Hall), this gives all
your creatures a pump. This will have the
greatest effect in a deck with lots of small
creatures. There is a lot of fun potential with
this card, since it can be played in any color
Don't neglect to notice that this is
legendary. That actually reduces the value quite
a bit. You can't search up multiples of this and
give your creatures +2/+2 or +3/+3 to really
break your opponent's back. There are so many
ways right now to pump your creatures - I'm not
convinced this is one of the best. This card
does nothing for you unless you have creatures
I think this will be a fun casual card, but I
don't see it making a big enough splash to see
much constructed play. I drafted this card last
weekend in a white/blue deck, and it really
didn't do much for me. Most of the time I drew
it, it stayed in my hand while I played more
important things. I'd probably give it another
chance, but it's certainly not a top pick for
limited. Multiplayer games usually have enough
big threats that a +1/+1 isn't going to make a
huge difference.
Constructed: 2
Casual: 3
Limited: 2.5
Multiplayer 2.5

Michael Sokolowski |
I've always been a fan of Glorious Anthem and
its various permutations and upgrades. And as
I'm sure everyone else will also point out,
that's essentially what this is. Glorious Anthem
for anything other than white. In fact,
especially NOT for white, because this is
strictly worse than Glorious Anthem and every
other even better white version of the effect
(I'm looking at you, Honor of the Pure).
It's a fun thing to do, playing a static
board-wide bonus like this. All your creatures
are now stronger, tougher, faster. Well, maybe
not faster. How good is a card like this? Well
that depends almost entirely on what colour
you're playing. This card has wildly different
levels of usefulness depending on what colour
you're running. So instead of telling you if
it's good or bad, I'm going to tell you what
kind of colour and what kind of deck actually
wants this card.
As I mentioned already, outside of limited if
you're running white you don't want this card.
Period. There are better options. What about
green, then? They like creatures and attacking,
right? Yes, but for the most part they don't
want or need something like this. Green
specializes in getting out a few big fat
creatures and smashing face. And is there that
big of a difference between a 7/7 and an 8/8?
Does it really matter all that much if your
monstrous Arbor Colossus is a 9/9 or a 10/10?
No, not really. It'll smash face either way.
White knows how to use these effects correctly.
One or two 6/6's turning into 7/7's is kinda meh,
but a massive army of 1/1's turning into 2/2's
just doubled your entire forces! So, out of all
the other colours, who has a similar playstyle
to that?
Red likes to attack fast. Red likes to attack
early. Red likes to attack often. Red likes to
throw lots of haste-y creatures with low
toughness (but sometimes high power) at the
opponent, just to see what will get through.
There are always more disposable goblins where
that first wave came from, after all. Red can
probably get the most mileage out of this card,
since white already has better and green doesn't
need it unless you're running an elf deck. Blue
and Black can make some use out of it as well,
especially if you want to pump up some weak
flying guys.
But that brings me to the final and biggest
problem Hall of Triumph has. For red it can be a
good card, but it'll only ever be *A* card.
Singular. And that's because of the word
Legendary. That's why this card is worse than
even Glorious Anthem for white. Because of that,
you can only ever have 1 of these on the field
at a time. And that pretty much kills it. The
most fun you can ever have with Glorious Anthem
/ Honor of the Pure style effects is when you
have multiple copies of them out at the same
time. How fun is it when you have 4 Honor of the
Pure on the field, and casting a Serra Avenger
for 2 mana gives you a 7/7 instead of a 3/3? How
fun would it be to have a 5/5 Llanowar Elves or
Elvish Mystic? I mean you don't usually get up
to 4, but 2 or 3 can easily happen in slower fun
casual games. But it never will with Hall of
Triumph. The best it can ever do for you is
+1/+1, and for most decks it's just not worth
the deck slot. It's also a card you never want
to topdeck, since it doesn't do anything on its
own and relies on you having other stuff it can
empower, but all Anthem effects have that
problem too.
I liked Glorious Anthem, and I like Honor of
the Pure even more. But I don't like Hall of
Triumph that much. The colour that needs it most
already has several things better, and one copy
just won't help anyone else enough.
Constructed: 2
Casual: 2.5
Limited: 3
Multiplayer: 2.5