These lands are a case where I came to sort of
appreciate the arguably superfluous bonus
compared to Invasion's tap lands, but because of
one specific card: Maze's End. Yes, I'm the guy
who built a Maze's End Turbo Fog deck. It'd be
too bad if these cards were mainly associated
with borderline trolling decks, though, because
there's actually a lot more to them than that. I
liked how they represented the guilds'
territories and conflicts, continuing a
longstanding tradition of using lands and
landscapes as part of worldbuilding, and they
performed a similar role in limited formats to
Khans of Tarkir's lands. And they even had a
secret message in their flavor text - it reminds
me of the way people try to piece together
truths from points in various Dungeons and
Dragons campaign setting books, and I really
wish they'd do things like that more often.
Same deal as the refuges, good for casuals,
crucial for those crazies who run maze's end and
its win-con, bad for everybody else. at least
there's cards that fetch these guys and interact
with them. sort of.