I was a little surprised that we didn't end up
seeing Tombstalker anywhere in the Tarkir block.
I know we got a different demon with delve, but
Future Sight deserves more attention! In all
seriousness, though, the upside of Tombstalker's
absence meant that people with roguish Dark Deal
decks and the like turned to Gurmag Angler, and
there are few things cooler than beating someone
upside the head with a giant zombie fish. In
addition to making a solid substitute for
Tombstalker, the Angler also depletes graveyard
things that a lot of decks like to turn against
you nowadays - if it looks like they were
getting ready to use something like Beacon of
Unrest, countering it pre-emptively by casting a
5/5 creature is a pretty solid play.