David Fanany
Player since
1995 |
Gaddock Teeg
When I think of the year 2007 in the context of
Magic, I tend to think of the art first. I
remember the breezy summer of Lorwyn, and the
endless winter of Coldsnap; the light and joy of
Morningtide, and the dark and dusty skies of the
Time Spiral block. It was a time of contrasts,
and a time of strange Magic design: Lorwyn was a
tribal block whose Standard season was
characterized by the decidedly non-tribal
Five-Color Control and Reveillark decks.
Gaddock Teeg was designed to hose powerful
midrange and control decks like those, and the
fact that they survived is a testament to just
how strong they really were. Without access to
Wrath of God, Primal Command, and Mystical
Teachings, the advantage should be squarely on
the side of the beatdown deck. Of course, since
Lorwyn everyone has played creatures and
everyone has embraced the diversified mana curve
- remember the control decks with Pillar of
Flame? - and so he has never really been able to
pull off the implied feat of rendering an
opponent helpless. But he does warp an
opponent's choices: even if "all" he does is
force that control deck you hate to run Pillar
of Flame, or force them to use Firespout when
he's the only creature on the table, that is far
from nothing, and that sometimes really does
make him a giant among Magic cards.
Constructed: 4/5
Casual: 4/5
Limited: 4/5
Multiplayer: 4/5
EDH/Commander: 4/5