I was a little surprised when I heard we hadn't
reviewed this card before - it was one of the
eye-catching designs when Ravnica was brand new.
That Standard environment had a lot of
comes-into-play abilities, and people
immediately started dreaming of infinitely
bouncing Loxodon Hierarchs and Nekrataals. I
played a few times with, and many times against,
variants of such decks, and they made for some
interesting times (and probably still would now,
if you have the cards lying around). Value
creatures like that don't actually need much
help, from this card or otherwise, but it still
has its place - you can generate a Whitemane
Lion-style effect without actually playing
white. There was also the time that people ended
up playing Crimson Kobolds, Crookshank Kobolds,
and Kobolds of Kher Keep in a storm deck along
with this card, which is hilariously epic.
Remember when we didn't have flicker effects,
just blinking effects? Yyyyeahhh... Those were
dark days. I suppose in limited where pacifism
or faith's fetters is a thing, sure.
Otherwise.... I can't really recommend it. One
of those cards that has to have a deck built
around it. Might be neat for a fun deck though