David Fanany
Player since
1995 |
Monastery Swiftspear
It sounds a little odd at first to think of this
card in the same tradition as Goblins of the
Flarg, but that's what it is in a sense - a
game-starting creature for spell-based red
decks. I've often found it a little paradoxical
that red is a spell color that is also
historically associated with attacking with one-
and two-cost creatures, yet it's worked many
times over the years, and when you have a card
as strong as Monastery Swiftspear, it will
undoubtedly work again. In fact, this card adds
a level of trickiness to burn decks that they
don't always have - for example, it will
occasionally happen that you can kill one
creature with a damage spell and use the boost
to the Swiftspear to let it survive a similarly-costed
creature in combat.
Constructed: 3/5
Casual: 3/5
Limited: 3/5
Multiplayer: 2/5
EDH/Commander: 2/5
Michael "Maikeruu" Pierno |
Today's card of the day is Monastery Swiftspear
which is a one mana Red
1/1 with Haste and Prowess. This is an
excellent second turn play followed by Titan's
Strength or a similar card which can deal five
damage very early. Similar options exist
with three mana on the third turn and so on
which makes this a very serious early game
threat if the opponent has nothing to block
with. Even without direct support a one
mana 1/2 with Haste is decent and any
non-creature makes it a 2/3 until end of turn,
so it is strong in burn and other spell based
Red decks across formats.
In Limited this is a good second pick in Booster
after a Red rare and in a format where almost
any one mana creature is playable this is quite
a bit better than most. In Sealed it is an
automatic and easy inclusion for Red and helps
add value to splashing the color as it can offer
a low cost threat to more spell heavy builds.
Constructed: 4.0
Casual: 4.0
Limited: 4.0
Multiplayer: 4.0