Ulrich is the long-awaited
Werewolf “lord”, the G/R legendary
Werewolf creature people were clamoring for
through all five sets of
Innistrad and
Shadows Over Innistrad. And he
is…frankly underwhelming, if we're being
entirely honest. 
For 5 mana, he gives a
temporary buff to one of your creatures. Make no
mistake, +4/+4 helps end games very quickly when
he gets out there, but he’s the very definition
of a “win more" card. If you're behind, there
are many other Werewolves and creatures you’d
want to have over Ulrich, and he's still
vulnerable to burn like Harnessed Lightning. His
flipside is pretty much spot removal on a 6/6
body, which is reasonable if not
Ulrich does play decently
despite not being “flashy", but his real claim
to fame is that he's the legendary creature
Werewolf Commander decks wanted to sit in their
command zone. Take that away, and he's not all
that exciting.
Constructed: 3
Casual: 5
Limited: 3.75
Multiplayer: 3
Commander: 4