David Fanany
Player since
1995 |
Expedition Envoy
Savannah Lions was once unique as practically
the only card with its specific combination of
cost and stats. It's less so now, but the
variants often give you a specific reason to
play them (or not to do so). Expedition Envoy is
a good choice for aggressive Ally decks, giving
you the early presence of Savannah Lions and
being a ridiculously cheap way to get lots of
beneficial triggers late in the game; outside
such strategies, it has little to really set it
apart from other cheap white creatures.
Although, it'll always be a solid choice for a
Muraganda Petroglyphs deck!
Constructed: 3/5
Casual: 3/5
Limited: 3/5
Multiplayer: 3/5
EDH/Commander: 3/5 (General Tazri!)
James H. |
Expedition Envoy (12/5)
A vanilla 2/1 for one white
mana is pretty straightforward, at least on
paper. It puts a good counter on your opponent,
threatening lethal in 10 turns with no
interference, but it’ll be hard-pressed to get
in there after they start resolving creatures to
put in its way. Still, it’s not an unreasonable
rate of return…
…and that’s before we get
to the fact that it’s an Ally, one of the
Zendikar tribes. It has synergy with
all of the Ally keywords and mechanics
(the “enter-the-battlefield” effects from
Zendikar block, and Rally and Cohort
Battle For Zendikar). Being able to
trigger or use these abilities on a one-mana
creature is pretty useful, and Allies tend to
not have a ton of cheap creatures.
It’s good in Limited, and
it's good in an Ally deck that relies on Ally
synergies. Unfortunately, its typeline isn't
ideal outside of a dedicated Ally deck (there
are better 2/1 for W creatures), and Isamaru,
Hound of Konda is better in combat for one
Constructed: 3
Casual: 4.25
Limited: 4
Multiplayer: 2.5
Commander: 2.5