David Fanany
Player since
1995 |
Thalia's Lieutenant
This card has some interesting text, in every
sense of the word; not just its tribal effect,
but the fact that it feels almost like a
callback not just to Innistrad's human tribal
themes but also Zendikar's Allies. They really
should do annotated card galleries for some of
these new sets! In any event, the card does some
good work in straight-up Innistrad-style human
decks, but so many relevant creatures are humans
that it feels far from limited - Azure Mage,
Seeker of the Way, and Skinshifter are
very strong on their own, though even they need
help sometimes. The fact that he uses +1/+1
counters also opens up a lot of interesting
interactions, ranging from Crowned Ceratok to
Constructed: 4/5
Casual: 5/5
Limited: 4/5
Multiplayer: 4/5
EDH/Commander: 4/5
James H. |
Thalia’s Lieutenant (12/8)
Thalia's Lieutenant is
pretty brutal. On its own, it's a 2-mana buff
spell to Humans, a well-supported tribe in
Shadows Over Innistrad block. That's
not its only trick, as it gets bigger when more
Humans enter the fray! This is a threat that
can, with support, snowball into a brutal
offensive force, all for only two mana.
The dearth of combat
abilities is a bummer, but Thalia's Lieutenant
is good in spite of that. It was previously a
brutal card when paired with Collected Company,
one of the boogeymen of Standards past, and it
still has decent potential now. It's good in
Limited, in Constructed, and anywhere Humans
show up.
Constructed: 3.75
Casual: 4.5
Limited: 4.5
Multiplayer: 3.25
Commander: 3.5