I'd wager that if you showed this card's ability
to players who didn't know where it actually
came from, they'd have a wide range of guesses -
and an even wider range of justifications - for
which color it would go in. But of course, you
and I know that it goes in any deck (as long as
you have space for a few Wastes or Unknown
Shores - and most decks should, right?), and few
decks will regret including it. You may or may
not remember Giant Solifuge; it was a favorite
weapon for every deck that could cast it because
it punished control decks for tapping out,
demanded specific answers, and held its own in
combat against creatures that the opponent cared
about more than you cared about the Solifuge.
You can say much the same things about Reality
Smasher, but it's more resilient in combat and
generates card advantage for you out of the
types of answers that control decks tend to rely
on. Despite its obvious threat, I suspect that a
lot of decks still won't prepare adequately for
it, so if you're in the style of deck that wants
mid-cost creatures, you should use it as much as
you're physically able to.
A weird little 5 drop that fits the whole
eldrazi flavor. a 5/5 with trample and haste for
5 cmc is a pretty big force by itself. Forcing
every kill spell to become a 2-for-1 tradeoff is
pretty dangerous. Most times, you'll be beating
face with this guy as your opponent struggles to
figure out if ditching an extra card is worth
it. mid/late game, topdecking is a thing, making
smasher an unparalleled threat. I wouldn't
overly recommend going crazy with a playset, but
it's probably not the worst idea.