I was always surprised that this card's
anti-targeting ability - which actually only
appeared on three creatures from Kamigawa -
didn't get a little more exposure over the
years. Sure, it's annoying to people, but not
that much more annoying than hexproof, which got
pushed to the moon a few years ago, and at least
there's one way around it. Plus it might have
made a role in constructed for cards like
Vulshok Sorcerer to "clear" the creature's
shield ahead of an actual kill spell. On the
side of the person casting it, Jetting Glasskite
is solid despite its lack of spectacular
offensive abilities. Long-game blue decks can
often outdraw their opponents and thus have a
chance of holding the right cards to protect the
Glasskite after its shield comes down, and it
fights well enough on both offense and defense.