David Fanany
Player since
1995 |
Commune with the Gods
I never did figure out quite why Commune with
the Gods filled the graveyard to such an extent.
Theros wasn't adjacent to an Innistrad block, so
I guess it was more to help things like Rescue
from the Underworld. I'm not sure it's always
the optimal choice if you don't have some sort
of graveyard manipulation going on. For this new
limited format, there are surprisingly many
synergies, even more so than in Theros - Nimble
Mongoose is finally back!
Constructed: 3/5
Casual: 4/5
Limited: 4/5
Multiplayer: 3/5
EDH/Commander: 3/5 |
BMoor |
Commune with the Gods
This is a very Green approach to sifting through
your deck. It can only find creatures or
enchantments, which means you need to be fairly
confident that your next top five don't have any
important instants, sorceries, lands or
artifacts you'll regret pitching. Green can
always search up more land, and it doesn't
really support artifacts or non-permanent
spells-- it prefers to solve its problems with
creatures. Granted, even monogreen decks are
unlikely to run completely without those kinds
of spells, but they don't need them as much as,
say, a Blue or Red deck. Still, creature and
enchantment can fill quite a few different
niches, including offensive pressure, defensive
stopgaps, answers to opponents' threats, and a
wide variety of utility advantages.
Constructed- 4
Casual- 4.5
Limited- 3.75
Multiplayer- 3.5
Commander- 4