David Fanany
Player since
1995 |
Mother of Runes
I am a fan of all the Masters sets. You'd think
that a game with 20 years of history to draw on
would be more eager to actually do so; instead,
we have occasionally been told that Magic must
always look forward and that new sets are about
"fixing" things. But it's a great sign that
Eternal Masters is here now, because reminders
of where we came from can provide inspiration
for where we - in a personal sense, as gamers -
might go in the future.
Mother of Runes might be one of, if not the,
most deceptively powerful creatures in history.
A white 1/1 looks painfully easy to kill. But
with this card, you sometimes only get one
chance, and letting the opponent untap with her
in play means you may not be killing anything,
ever. The only wrinkle I can think of is that
she is in fact a 1/1 creature, and can sometimes
be slightly hard to fit into speed-based white
decks. But you should do so anyway.
Constructed: 4/5
Casual: 4/5
Limited: 4/5
Multiplayer: 4/5
EDH/Commander: 4/5