Why, oh why doesn't this have deathtouch? I
mean, we'll see if there's any other zombies
worth reanimating with his second effect, but he
himself's worth bringing back, just to keep
board presence. It's odd how well this set
meshes with older mechanics (zombie mill with
cipher cards?) but i'm digging it big time. I'm
hoping the trend continues, especially how angry
I was with Zen 2 block as a whole.
Long ago, we would have said that Relentless
Dead is an engine card. All you need is a way to
sacrifice it repeatedly and enough mana, and you
can move various zombies in and out of your
graveyard almost at will (which, if you think
about it, is kind of what zombies are all about
anyway). Of course, the fact that it can only
return itself to your hand and not to play
prevents it from being a "true" combo card, but
any time a card's design breaks a rule like
"creatures are able to die", you have the
potential for good (or bad, depending on your
point of view) things. Think of it this way: the
absolute least it does is turn removal spells
into card disadvantage when used against zombie
tribal decks.