Just as Brock Lesnar's current location is, by
definition, Suplex City, Olivia turns any deck
she happens to be in into a vampire tribal deck.
That's probably not enough for casual purists,
but fortunately she is very strong as a
straight-up black-red aggro card. Yes, it sucks
to have your Giant Solifuge or Skizzik get shut
down because your opponent randomly maindecks
Elite Inquisitor, but overall, her
hyper-efficient combat stats, enhancement of any
and every creature you own, and making Dark
Withering always be cheap enough for an aggro
deck more than make up for it.
I don't like the name, but like the card quite a
bit. the Definitive madness enabler, on a 3/3
flier for a meager 3, this thing's got loads of
value, considering it's repeatable, and most
madness vamps are 2 drops. Nice swarm card.